

Application of NF Membrane Technology in Advanced Treatment Project of a WTP in Taicang


为向太仓市民供应"优质"饮用水,太仓市某水厂选用国内自主研发的低压纳滤膜产品与技术进行深度处理改造,规模为 5 万m3/d,于 2019 年 12 月投产运行.对纳滤系统连续监测的数据显示,在设计回收率为 85%的情况下,纳滤膜产水TOC平均质量浓度为 0.10 mg/L,残留铝质量浓度低于 0.02 mg/L,对色氨酸类蛋白质、微生物代谢产物等溶解性有机质的去除效果显著;对TDS和总硬度平均去除率为 24.78%和 30.64%,说明纳滤膜在高效截留有毒有害物质的同时,保留了一部分对人体有益的天然矿物质.纳滤系统运行稳定、抗污染性能较好,运行电费和药剂费仅为 0.236 元/m3,经济可行,是一种优质的饮用水深度处理技术.该水厂为国内首座采用国产纳滤膜去除有机物的饮用水净化工程,验证了国产纳滤饮用水处理技术的安全性、稳定性和经济性.

In order to supply"high quality"drinking water to citizens in Taicang,a water treatment plant(WTP)in Taicang selects low-pressure nanofiltration membrane technology for in-depth treatment,which is developed independently at home.It is put into operation in December 2019,with a scale of 50 000 m3/d.At the designed recovery rate of 85%,the average TOC of produced water by nanofiltration membrane is 0.10 mg/L and the concentration of residual aluminum is lower than 0.02 mg/L.The removal effect of dissolved organic matter such as tryptophan protein and microbial metabolites is significant.The average removal rates of TDS and total hardness are 24.78%and 30.64%.It shows that nanofiltration membrane can effectively intercept harmful substances,while retaining part of natural minerals beneficial for human body.The nanofiltration system has stable operation and good anti-pollution performance.The electricity and pharmaceutical cost of nanofiltration membrane system are only 0.236 yuan/m3,which one is a high-quality advanced treatment technology for drinking water.The WTP is the first drinking water purification project,which one removed organic matter by domestic nanofiltration membrane.It verifies the safety,stability and economy of domestic nanofiltration membrane treatment technology.


北京碧水源科技股份有限公司,北京 102206太仓市水务集团有限公司,江苏太仓 215400北京碧水源膜科技有限公司,北京 101407



advanced treatmentNF membranedisinfection by-products(DBPs)organic matterantifouling property

《净水技术》 2024 (001)

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