

Mechanical analysis of laminated bamboo lumber tenon chair joints based on response surface method and MOGA algorithm


竹集成材是符合"双碳"目标的可持续发展绿色材料,具有"以竹代木"的巨大潜力.本研究借助竹集成材优良材料性能,基于榫卯结构特性,以竹集成材榫接合椅子为例,运用有限元法(FEM)进行椅子静载荷及耐久性分析,探究竹集成材榫接合椅子及榫接合节点力学特性,搭建响应面模型求解竹集成材T型椭圆榫接合节点榫卯尺寸与其最大等效应力、总形变和最小安全系数的关系,并运用MOGA多目标遗传算法以形变最小化、安全系数最大化为优化目标,进行榫卯尺寸优化.结果表明:竹集成材榫接合椅子静载荷分析所得椅子最大等效应力为6.818 MPa,位于座面大边与椅后腿榫接合节点;最大等效应变值为4.245×10-3,位于椅子扶手与椅后腿榫接合节点;椅子发生的最大形变为4.433 mm,分布在椅子靠背位置.椅子耐久性分析所得最大等效应力及最大等效应变均位于椅子扶手与椅后腿榫接合节点,分别为4.999 MPa和3.113×10-3;椅子整体发生的最大形变为3.251 mm,位于椅子靠背上端.由竹集成材T型榫接合节点响应面分析可知,椭圆榫接合节点的最大等效应力及最大形变随着榫头厚度a及榫头长度l的增大而减小,安全系数随之增大,榫卯尺寸对T型榫接合节点力学强度的影响以榫头厚度a和榫头长度l为主,榫头宽度b影响不显著.运用MOGA算法优化竹集成材椭圆榫尺寸,优化结果与实际试验结果的相对误差为3.93%,相对误差较小,证明优化方法及结果有效.本研究为竹集成材椭圆榫的加工生产提供参考,并为竹集成材榫接合椅子的榫卯尺寸设计提供科学优化方法.

Laminated bamboo lumber(LBL)is a green material with a potential for sustainable development in line with the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goal.In this study,by taking the LBL tenon chair as an example,the static force cyclical actions and durability of the chair were analyzed using Finite Element Method(FEM).This study explored the mechanical properties of LBL tenon chair and put forward the safety analysis method of LBL tenon chair.Taking the allowable stress of LBL as the critical value,the influence of chair leg size reduction on the overall stress and deformation of LBL tenon chair was analyzed.The reasonable and effective decrement optimization was carried out within the safety range of the chair.The results showed that in the static analysis,the maximum equivalent stress of the LBL tenon chair was 6.818 MPa,and the maximum equivalent strain was 4.245×10-3,which were located at the mortise joint of the arm and the back leg of the chair.The maximum deformation of the chair was 4.433 mm,which was distributed at the back of the chair.The maximum equivalent stress and maximum equivalent strain obtained from the durability analysis of the chair were located at the mortise joint of the chair arm and the back leg,which were 4.999 MPa and 3.113×10-3,respectively.The maximum deformation of the chair was 3.251 mm,being located at the upper end of the chair backrest.According to the response surface analysis of the T-shaped tenon joint of LBL,the maximum equivalent stress and maximum deformation of the elliptical tenon joint decreased with the increase of tenon thickness and tenon length,and the safety factor increased accordingly.The influence of tenon and tenon size on the mechanical strength of T-shaped tenon joints was mainly determined by the tenon thickness and tenon length,while the influence of tenon width was not significant.The MOGA algorithm was used to optimize the elliptical tenon size of LBL.The relative error between the optimization results and the actual experimental results was 3.93%,which was relatively small.This proved that the optimization method and results were effective.This study provides a reference for the processing and production of elliptical tenons in LBL and offers a scientific optimization method for the design of tenon and mortise dimensions for LBL tenon joint chairs.


中南林业科技大学,国家林业和草原局绿色家具工程技术研究中心,湖南省绿色家居工程技术研究中心,长沙 410004东阳市家具研究院,东阳 322100



laminated bamboo lumberchairtenon jointresponse surface analysisMOGA algorithmfinite element method

《林业工程学报》 2024 (001)

184-191 / 8


