

Spatial Variation and Scale Effect of Surface Soil Organic Carbon Content on Typical Slopes in the Loess Region,Ningxia


[目的]定量认识土壤有机碳(SOC)含量在坡面上的空间异质性及尺度效应,探索"由点及面"估算坡面平均SOC含量的精确便捷途径,为细致刻画坡面土壤资源状况、全面理解生态系统碳循环、制定土壤高质量管理方案提供科学基础.[方法]在宁夏半干旱黄土丘陵区,选择 3个相邻的由退耕还林工程形成的典型坡面,从坡顶向坡脚设置连续样点,调查各样点的土地利用、植被特征、立地条件及表层(0~20 cm)SOC含量,分析其坡向差异、坡位变化;以"离坡顶的水平距离或相对距离"为自变量,以表层SOC含量的顺坡滑动平均值为因变量,定量描述坡面尺度效应;再以坡面上任一样点表层SOC含量与坡面平均值的比值为因变量,实现由"点"到"面"的尺度上推.[结果]研究区表层SOC含量存在明显的坡向差异、坡位变化、尺度效应.表层SOC含量的坡面平均值在南坡(7.60 g·kg-1)最高,东坡(6.42 g·kg-1)次之,西坡(5.65 g·kg-1)最低,其坡位间变幅在东坡(15.95 g·kg-1)最大,其次为西坡(11.34 g·kg-1),最小为南坡(9.72 g·kg-1),说明东坡的坡面效应最强,其次为西坡,南坡最弱.东坡、西坡、南坡表层SOC含量的坡位变化大致相同,均由坡顶向下逐渐减小,至离坡顶水平距离 200、150、280 m(相对距离 0.73、0.45、0.76)后趋于稳定,主要与坡面"上部为自然状态的坡地+林草植被+恢复年限长、下部为人工梯田+林农植被+扰动频繁"的空间格局有关.在东坡、西坡、南坡上,距坡顶水平距离每增加 100 m,SOC含量的滑动平均值分别变化-3.40、-2.50、-1.51 g·kg-1;距坡顶相对距离每增加 0.1,SOC含量的滑动平均值分别变化-0.96、-0.75、-0.55 g·kg-1.构建 3个坡向不同坡位样点表层SOC含量与坡面平均值的比值随离坡顶水平距离或相对距离增加而变化的数量关系(R2>0.7,P<0.001),籍此可由坡面上任一样点表层SOC含量精确便捷地估算坡面平均值.将所有位点数据融合得出,离坡顶相对距离 0.4的位点表层SOC含量最接近坡面平均值.[结论]半干旱黄土丘陵区坡面表层SOC含量沿坡从上至下基本呈先减小后稳定的变化,与土地利用类型、植被类型、恢复年限的坡面分布格局有关.以顺坡(相对)水平坡长增加为尺度变量可较好地定量刻画表层SOC含量的坡面变化特征及尺度效应,藉此可实现坡面表层SOC含量平均值的精确便捷推算.

[Objective]A quantitative acknowledge on the spatial variation and scale effect of soil organic carbon(SOC)content provides basis to accurately and conveniently estimate the average SOC content of the whole slope,comprehensively understand the status of soil resources and the ecosystem carbon cycle,and propose high-quality soil management programs.[Method]Three adjacent typical slopes formed by the project of returning farmland to forestland were selected in the small watershed of Zhongzhuang within the semi-arid loess hilly region of Ningxia.After multiple sample points were set up in succession from the top to the foot on slopes,the land use,vegetation characteristics and site conditions were investigated,the surface soil samples(0-20 cm)were collected to test the SOC content,and the slope aspect difference and slope position variation were analyzed.Taking the horizontal distance or relative distance from slope top as the independent variable,the slope scale effect was quantitatively described by the slope moving average of the surface SOC content as the dependent variable,and the ratio of the surface SOC content of any point on the slope to the average value of the slope as the dependent variable to realize the scale from'point'to'slope'.[Result]The surface SOC content had obvious slope difference,position variation and scale effect in the study region.The average surface SOC content was the highest on the southern slope(7.60 g·kg-1),followed by the eastern slope(6.42 g·kg-1)and the western slope(5.65 g·kg-1).However,the variation range of surface SOC content of the eastern slope(15.95 g·kg-1)was the largest,followed by the western slope(11.34 g·kg-1),and the smallest was the southern slope(9.72 g·kg-1),indicating that the slope effect was the strongest on the eastern slope,followed by the western slope and the southern slope.The pattern of position variation in surface SOC content was roughly the same among the three slopes,which gradually decreased from the slope top,and tended to be stable after the horizontal distance from slope top reached 200,150 and 280 m(relative distance were 0.73,0.45 and 0.76),respectively.It was mainly due to the spatial distribution pattern of land uses(Upper part:natural slopes;Lower part:terraced fields),vegetation types(Upper part:forest and grass;Lower part:crops)and vegetation restoration years(Upper part:long time;Lower part:short time).For every 100 m increase in the horizontal distance from slope top,the moving averages of the eastern,western,and southern slopes increased-3.40,-2.50,and-1.51 g·kg-1,respectively.For every 0.1 increase in the relative distance from slope top,the moving averages increased-0.96,-0.75 and-0.55 g·kg-1,respectively.The quantitative relationships between the ratio of surface SOC content at different slope positions to the slope average in three slopes was well constructed with the increase of horizontal distance or relative distance from slope top(R2>0.7,P<0.001),then the value of slope average can be accurately and conveniently estimated from the data of any point on a slope.Besides,the surface SOC content measured at a relative distance of 0.4 from slope top was the most similar with as the average value of slope.[Conclusion]The surface SOC content decreases first and then stabilizes from the top to the bottom of slopes in semi-arid loess hilly region,which closely relates to the spatial distribution pattern of land uses,vegetation types and restoration years.The slope variation characteristics and scale effect of surface SOC content can be quantitatively described by taking the increase of(relative)horizontal slope length as the scale variable,so as to accurately and conveniently estimate the average value of surface SOC content on a slope.


中国水利水电科学研究院 北京 100038||宁夏农林科学院林业与草地生态研究所 宁夏防沙治沙与水土保持重点实验室 宁夏生态修复与多功能林业综合研究中心 银川 750002中国水利水电科学研究院 北京 100038宁夏农林科学院林业与草地生态研究所 宁夏防沙治沙与水土保持重点实验室 宁夏生态修复与多功能林业综合研究中心 银川 750002



loess hilly regionsite conditionland usesoil organic carbon contentslope changescale effect

《林业科学》 2024 (001)

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