

Grafting Techniques of Tung Tree Seedlings with Hypocotyle Rootstocks and the Anatomical Structure


[目的]研究油桐芽苗砧嫁接繁育新技术,建立油桐芽苗砧嫁接无性繁殖技术体系,为油桐良种无性化育苗提供新途径.[方法]以千年桐和三年桐种子培育的芽苗为砧木,以'华桐 1号'家系当年生半木质化带芽茎段为接穗,连续 2年研究不同砧木物种、嫁接方法、嫁接膜类型、嫁接时期、苗床及移栽高度等因素对油桐芽苗砧嫁接成活的影响,并观察嫁接后伤口愈合的显微解剖结构.[结果]1)在其他外界因素较优的条件下,以三年桐和千年桐为砧木,油桐嫁接成活率均可达 89.0%以上,前期生长无显著差异.以千年桐为砧木,采用劈接法用塑料膜绑扎的成活率比铝箔片高 184.0%,差异显著(P<0.05);用塑料膜绑扎劈接的成活率比合接高 58.7%,差异显著(P<0.05).2)适宜油桐芽苗砧嫁接的接穗腋芽上、下部和叶柄长度分别为 1.0、3.0和 0.5 cm,适宜的砧木劈接切口长 1.5 cm、移栽苗床高度 15 cm、遮荫网透光率为 25%、移栽时嫁接口高于地面.3)不同嫁接时期对油桐芽苗砧嫁接的成活率影响显著,6月上旬的嫁接成活率比 5月中旬高 51.5%,差异显著(P<0.05),且 6月上旬嫁接的油桐苗后期长势较好.4)观察腋芽的生长过程及嫁接口的愈伤组织解剖结构发现,嫁接 10天后伤口部分愈合,腋芽开始膨大,20天后腋芽萌发长出新叶,70天后接穗和砧木的伤口愈合度高,解开嫁接膜有利于后期嫁接苗生长.[结论]本研究建立的油桐芽苗砧嫁接无性繁殖技术体系,6月大田大量育苗的嫁接成活率整体达 70.0%以上,可为今后油桐良种无性化育苗提供切实可行的途径.

[Objective]Tung tree is one of the four major woody oil tree species in China.The development of tung tree industry has certain strategic significance for improving China's energy self-sufficiency.This paper aims to establish a new asexual reproduction technology system for tung tree seedlings with hypocotyle rootstocks grafting by studying the new technique of tung tree seedlings and hypocotyle grafting,so as to provide a new way for the future asexual reproduction of tung tree elite varieties.[Method]The seedlings cultivated from Vernicia montana and Vernicia fordii seeds were used as rootstocks,and the current year-old semi-woody stem segments with buds of the offsprings of Vernicia fordii'Huatong No.1'were used as scions.The effects of different rootstock species,grafting methods,grafting film types,grafting periods,seedbeds and transplanting heights on the grafting success of the seedling rootstocks were investigated for two consecutive years,and the microscopic anatomical structure of wound healing after grafting was observed.[Result]1)Under favorable conditions of other external factors,the survival rate of tung tree grafting was more than 89.0%with V.montana and V.fordii seedlings as rootstocks,and there was no significant difference in the early growth between the two,but V.montana rootstocks was more beneficial to improve the resistance of tung trees.With the V.montana seedlings as rootstocks,the survival rate of split grafting with plastic film was 184.0%higher than that of aluminum foil,and the survival rate of split grafting with plastic film was 58.7%higher than that of jointing grafting.2)The suitable length of the upper axillary buds,lower part axillary buds and petiole of scion was 1.0 cm,3.0 cm and 0.5 cm,respectively,for grafting on tung tree seedling rootstock;the suitable incision length for rootstock splitting was 1.5 cm,the height of transplanting seedbed was 15 cm,the light transmission rate of the shade net was 25%,and the grafting union should be above the ground at the time of transplantation.3)Different grafting periods had significant effects on the survival rate of tung trees by hypocotyle grafting.The survival rate of grafting in early June was 51.5%higher than that in mid-May,with significant differences(P<0.05).The seedlings grafted in early June had better growth in the later period.4)By observing the growth process of axillary buds and the anatomical structure of callus at the graft union,it was found that the wound was partially healed and the axillary buds began to expand after 10 days of grafting,and the axillary buds grew new leaves after 20 days.The wound healing degree of scion and rootstock was higher after 70 days,and it was necessary to remove the film to facilitate the growth of the grafted seedlings.[Conclusion]The technology system of grafting of tung tree seedling rootstock is successfully established in this paper.In June,the overall survival rate of tung tree hypocotyle grafting with a large number of seedlings in the field can reach more than 70.0%,which provides a practical way for asexualized seedling breeding of tung trees in the future.


中南林业科技大学 经济林培育与保护教育部重点实验室 湖南省"一带一路"热带干旱经济林国际联合研究中心 湖南省南方丘陵山地生态经济林产业工程技术研究中心 长沙 410004||湖南武冈油桐科技小院 武冈 422409湖南湘西自治州森林生态研究实验站 永顺 416700湖南武冈油桐科技小院 武冈 422409



Vernicia fordiigraftstockhypocotyle

《林业科学》 2024 (001)

80-92 / 13


