

Water-rich zoning and water quantity prediction of coal seam in Balasu Mine Field


针对陕北侏罗纪煤田榆横北区内巴拉素煤矿 2 号煤层水的特殊赋存运移形式,通过理论分析、计算预测、模拟实验等方法,对其水资源量、富水性分区及矿井涌水量进行研究,探索了研究区内 2 号煤层水特征;根据影响富水煤层的煤层厚度、煤心采取率、煤层孔隙度、煤层顶板含水层厚度及底板隔水层厚度 5 项主控指标,结合ArcGIS软件和层次分析法(AHP)对研究区2 号煤层进行富水性预测分区,并对不同工况条件的井下掘进(含井筒、巷道)、回采工作面涌水量进行预测.结果表明:估算的研究区 2 号煤层水静储量约 0.665 亿m3,动态补给水量约 362 m3/h,煤层水整体呈衰减趋势;2 号煤层富水性分为相对强、较强、中等、较弱和弱 5 类富水区.

According to the special form of water occurrence and migration in No.2 coal seam of Balasu Coal Mine in northern Yuheng Mining Area of Jurassic Coal Field in northern Shaanxi province,through theoretical analysis,calculation and prediction,simulation experiment and other methods,the water resources volume,water-rich zoning and mine water inflow are studied,and the water characteristics of No.2 coal seam water in the study area are preliminarily explored.According to the five main control in-dexes of coal seam thickness,coal core extraction rate,coal seam porosity,seam roof aquifer thickness and bottom water-insulating layer thickness affecting the water-rich coal seam,ArcGIS software and analytic hierarchy process(AHP)were combined to make water-rich prediction zoning for the No.2 coal seam in the study area.The water inflow of underground driving(including shaft,roadway)and stoping face under different working conditions is predicted.The results show that the estimated hydrostatic reserves of No.2 coal seam in the study area are about 0.665 billion m3,the dynamic recharge water is about 362 m3/h,and the coal seam wa-ter shows an overall decaying trend.The water-rich zone of No.2 coal seam is divided into 5 types:relatively strong,strong,medium,weak and weak.


中煤科工西安研究院(集团)有限公司,陕西 西安 710054||陕西省煤矿水害防治技术重点实验室,陕西 西安 710077



northern Yuheng Mining Areawater-rich coal seamwater resources estimationwater-rich zoningwater inflow pre-diction

《煤矿安全》 2024 (001)

200-207 / 8


