

Effects of Phosphorus Transporter StPHO1.3 on Heat Resistance of Potato(Solanum tuberosum)and Screening of Its Interacting Proteins


植物通过磷转运蛋白(phosphorus transporters,PHO)吸收和转运磷元素,磷元素作为植物生长发育必不可少的营养素之一,对作物产量、品质和抗逆性均有重要影响.高温是影响马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum)产量和品质的重要环境因子,为探究磷转运蛋白对马铃薯耐热性的影响,本研究通过农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)介导法获得了过表达磷转运蛋白基因StPHO1.3的马铃薯转基因株系,比较转基因株系与野生型株系在高温(35℃)环境下的生长发育情况发现,过表达StPHO1.3能够增强马铃薯耐热性,对马铃薯生长发育具有促进作用.亚细胞定位结果显示,StPHO1.3在细胞膜上表达;通过酵母双杂交在膜系统文库质粒中筛选StPHO1.3的互作蛋白,并通过双分子荧光互补(bimolecular fluorescence complementation,BiFC)技术进一步验证,结果表明,StPHO1.3与光系统Ⅱ蛋白亚基和钙离子转运相关蛋白均有相互作用.综上所述,过表达StPHO1.3可能通过影响光合作用和信号转导,从而增强马铃薯抵御高温胁迫的能力,促进马铃薯生长发育.本研究为深入理解磷转运蛋白的功能提供了理论依据和参考.

Plants absorb and transport phosphorus through phosphorus transporters(PHO),and phosphorus is one of the essential nutrients for plant growth and development,which has an important effect on crop yield,quality and stress resistance.High temperature is an important environmental factor affecting potato yield and quality.In order to explore the influence of phosphorus transporter on potato(Solanum tuberosum)heat resistance,this study constructed a transgenic potato strain with overexpression of phosphorus transporter gene StPHO1.3 mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens.By comparing the growth and development of transgenic strain and wild-type strain at high temperature(35℃),it was found that overexpressing StPHO1.3 could enhance the heat resistance and promote the growth and development of potato.In addition,the results of subcellular localization showed that StPHO1.3 was expressed on the cell membrane.Therefore,in this study,the interacting proteins of StPHO1.3 were screened in the membrane system library plasmid by yeast two-hybridization and further verified by bimolecular fluorescence complementation(BiFC).The results showed that,StPHO1.3 interacted with both the photosystem Ⅱ protein subunit and calcium transport-associated proteins.In conclusion,overexpression of StPHO1.3 could enhance the resistance to high temperature stress and promote the growth and development of potato by affecting photosynthesis and signal transduction.These results provide theoretical basis and reference for further understanding of the function of phosphorus transporters and promote the breeding of new potato varieties.


商洛学院生物医药与食品工程学院,商洛 726000西安润壮稼农业科技有限公司,西安 710003商洛学院科技处,商洛 726000商洛学院国内合作与校友工作处,商洛 726000



Solanum tuberosumPhosphorus transporter(PHO)High temperature stressYeast two-hybridBimolecular fluorescence complementation(BiFC)

《农业生物技术学报》 2024 (002)

273-282 / 10


