

Detection of Targets Affecting Driving Comfort on Improved YOLOv5


当前自动驾驶技术主要集中在安全性方面,随着自动驾驶技术的发展,人们对驾乘舒适性的要求也会不断提高.提出一种改进YOLOv5的目标检测算法,对影响驾乘舒适性的中小型障碍物进行检测研究.对于影响驾乘舒适性的中小目标与背景十分相似的问题,引入坐标注意力(CA)模块,在实现模型轻量化的同时提升目标显著特征提取能力,提高了对重点信息的关注度;使用α-IoU损失函数替换CIoU损失函数作为边界框回归损失函数,提高了对不同层次目标的优化空间;设计新的卷积模块,在保留原有特征的同时融合了更深层次的特征信息,同时减少了参数量.实验结果显示,改进方法相比原YOLOv5在参数量与GFLOPs减少的情况下,平均检测精度由原来的87.8%提升至89.9%,在GPU上对单张图像的检测速度达到70 FPS,优于对比算法,在满足实时性的同时提高了检测效果.

Current autonomous driving technology focuses on safety.With the development of autonomous driving technology,people's re-quirements for driving comfort will also continue to increase.A YOLOv5-based target detection improvement method is proposed for detecting small and medium-sized obstacles that affect driving comfort.In order to solve the problem that small and medium-sized obstacles affecting driving comfort are very similar to the background,the CA(Coordinate Attention)module is introduced,which improves the ability to extra the salient features of the target while keeping the model lightweight and improving the attention to the key information;The CIoU loss function is replaced by the α-IoU loss function as the bounding box regression loss function,which improves the optimization space for different levels of targets;The new convolution module is designed to retain the original features while incorporating deeper feature information and reducing the number of parameters.The experimental results show that the improved method improves the mAP(mean average precision)from 87.8%to 89.9%compared to the original YOLOv5 with the reduction of the number of parameters and GFLOPs,and the FPS of single image detection on GPU reaches 70,which is better than the comparison algorithm and improves the detection effect while satisfying the real-time perfor-mance.


东华大学 信息科学与技术学院, 上海 201620



deep learningobject detectionYOLOv5coordinate attention mechanismα-IoU

《软件导刊》 2024 (001)

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