

The Evolution of the Bongaarts Fertility Model and Its New Explanation for China's Low Fertility Level


邦戈茨模型是针对生育水平与生育行为、生育意愿关系进行探讨的经典模型.在基于生殖力的模型中,邦戈茨确定了结婚指数、避孕指数、人工流产指数和产后不孕指数这四个中间变量.21 世纪伊始,邦戈茨观察到生育水平与生育意愿之间的偏离,又提出了基于生育意愿的现代模型.新模型不再以自然生殖力作为参照,而是代之以生育意愿变量,并在摩尔根的推进下形成了囊括非意愿生育、替代孩子死亡的生育、性别偏好、进度效应、非自愿不孕不育和竞争性因素六要素乘积模型.模型的演变反映了不同社会情景下对生育水平的全新测量,实现了理论上的跨越,也实现了从理论模型到可操作化应用、量化和机制分析的突破.应用邦戈茨现代生育模型对中国的低生育现象进行分析后发现,性别偏好、初育年龄的推迟、婚姻的解体、竞争性因素仍然是影响生育意愿实现的重要因素.研究还进一步对邦戈茨现代生育模型进行了拓展,将生育政策纳入模型之中,发现政策本身对实现生育意愿发挥了抑制作用,在控制政策因素之后其他促进或抑制生育的因素仍然存在影响.此外,随着队列的晚近,不同因素的作用会发生变化,特别是性别偏好、婚姻状况、受教育程度等因素.研究结果对政策的完善以及差异化的政策实施具有一定的启发意义.

The Bongaarts model is a classic model for exploring the relationship between fertility level,reproductive behavior and reproductive intentions.In the fecundity-based model,Bongaarts identified four intermediate variables:marriage index,contraception index,induced abortion index,postpartum infertility index.At the beginning of the 21st century,Bongaarts pointed out the deviation between fertility levels and fertility intentions,and proposed a modern model based on fertility intentions.Instead of using natural fecundity as a reference,the new model replaced it with fertility intentions,and was advanced by Morgan to form the six-factor multiplicative model which included unwanted fertility,replacement effect,gender preferences,tempo effect,involuntary infertility and competition.The evolution of the model reflects a completely new measurement of fertility levels in different social scenarios,achieving a breakthrough from theory to operationalized application,quantification and mechanism analysis.After analyzing the phenomenon of low fertility in China by using Bongaarts modern fertility model,it is found that gender preferences,delay in the age of first childbearing,dissolution of marriage,and competition are still important factors affecting the realization of fertility intention.We also extend the Bongaarts modern fertility model to include policy factors in the model and find that the policy itself played an inhibitory role in realizing fertility intention,and other factors promoting or inhibiting fertility still had an impact after controlling the policy factors.In addition,as the cohort gets closer,the role of different factors changes,particularly gender preference,marital status and educational attainment.The results of the study are instructive for policy refinement as well as differentiated policy implementation.


北京大学 社会学系, 北京 100871



Bongaarts fertility modellow fertilityChina

《人口与经济》 2024 (001)

62-75 / 14


