

Knowledge-aware Recommender System with Cross-views Contrastive Learning


知识感知推荐(KGR)领域普遍存在监督信号稀疏问题.为了解决这个问题,对比学习方法被越来越广泛地应用于KGR.但是,过去基于对比学习的KGR模型仍存在一些问题:首先,使用图卷积对所有邻居节点直接聚合,无法排除知识图谱中不必要邻居节点信息的干扰;此外,只关注全局视图的信息,忽略了局部特征,这会导致过平滑问题.为了解决以上问题,提出一种基于跨视图对比学习的知识感知推荐系统(knowledge-aware recom-mender system with cross-views contrastive learning,KRSCCL).KRSCCL使用关系图注意力网络构建包含用户、物品和实体节点的全局视图;使用轻量级图卷积网络构建包含用户和物品节点的局部视图,强调局部特征,有效地缓解过平滑问题;最后,在构建的两个视图的图内和图间节点对之间进行对比学习,以充分提取知识图谱信号,优化用户和物品表示.为了验证模型的有效性,在3个不同领域的公开数据集上进行了实验,实验结果表明:关系图注意力网络可以有效排除复杂网络聚合时的噪声问题;引入局部视图可以优化节点表示生成,缓解过平滑问题;KRSCCL模型在这3个数据集上都表现良好,在电影领域数据集Movielens-1M上,推荐的评估指标F1分数较最强基线提升2.0%;在音乐领域数据集Last.FM上,F1分数较最强基线提升0.3%;在书籍领域数据集Book-Crossing上,F1分数较最强基线提升5.1%.证明了本文模型的有效性.

The knowledge-aware recommendation(KGR)domain commonly suffers from the problem of supervised signal sparsity,and contrast learning methods are increasingly studied to address this issue.However,existing contrast learning-based KGR models still have the following limitations.First,existing methods failed to suppress the interference information of unnecessary neighbouring nodes in the knowledge graph be-cause graph convolution is used to directly aggregate all neighbouring nodes;Second,focusing only on the global information would lead to ig-noring the fine-grained local features,causing over-smooth issues.In this work,a Knowledge-aware Recommender System with Cross-Views Contrastive Learning(KRSCCL)is proposed to address the aforementioned issues.In the KRSCCL,a relational graph attention network is pro-posed to construct a global view,including user,item and entity nodes.A lightweight graph convolutional network is designed to construct a loc-al view,including user and item nodes,in which local features are emphasized to effectively mitigate the over-smooth problem.Finally,the con-trastive learning mechanism is performed between intra-and inter-graph node pairs of the two views to fully extract KG signals and further optim-ize the user and item representations.Experimental results on three public datasets from different domains demonstrate that the proposed KR-SCCL achieves expected performance improvement on all the three datasets over selective baselines,F1 score improvement on Movielens-1M,Last.FM and Book-crossing are 2.0%,0.3%and 5.1%,respectively.Most importantly,the relational graph attention network can effectively ex-clude the noise during the feature aggregation of complex networks,the local views can optimize the generation of the node representation and al-leviate the over-smooth problem.


四川大学 计算机学院,四川 成都 610065中国电子科技集团公司第三十研究所,四川 成都 610225



knowledge-aware recommendationcontrastive learningrelational graph attentionrecommender system

《工程科学与技术》 2024 (001)


44-53 / 10


