Construction and optimization of whole-cell transformation method for ε-poly-L-lysine production from L-lysine by Streptomyces albulus
小白链霉菌(Streptomyces albulus)是天然抗菌肽ε-聚赖氨酸(ε-poly-L-lysine,ε-PL)的主要生产菌株.为了提高小白链霉菌生产ε-PL效率,该文构建并优化了全细胞转化L-赖氨酸合成ε-PL体系:葡萄糖质量浓度80 g/L,菌龄12 h,反应温度30 ℃,L-赖氨酸质量浓度15 g/L,柠檬酸浓度15 g/L,初始反应pH 4.0,硫酸铵质量浓度6 g/L,湿菌体量为1 900 g/L.基于该转化体系,实现小白链霉菌在96 h合成ε-PL产量和底物转化率达到13.80 g/L和38.9%,分别是常规摇瓶发酵的4.1、3.2倍.最后,在小白链霉菌中异源表达来自大肠杆菌的L-赖氨酸特异性通透蛋白基因lysp,获得的重组菌S.albulus OE-lysp实现L-赖氨酸利用能力和底物转化率较出发菌株分别提升26%和33%,ε-PL产量增加至17.21 g/L,约为常规摇瓶发酵ε-PL产量的6.4倍,这是文献报道的最高摇瓶规模ε-PL产量.该研究结果一方面说明 了通过全细胞转化L-赖氨酸生产ε-PL的可行性,另一方面为S.albulus转化大宗氨基酸L-赖氨酸生产高值ε-PL奠定了坚实的技术基础,具有重要的理论意义和经济价值.
Streptomyces albulus is the main producer of ε-poly-L-lysine(ε-PL).ε-PL is a natural antimicrobial peptide used primari-ly as a biological preservative in food industry,but its widespread application is limited by its high costs.To improve the production effi-ciency of S.albulus,this study used a whole-cell transformation method to produce ε-PL.Firstly,the synthesis efficiency of ε-PL in dif-ferent fermentation systems was compared,and the whole-cell transformation system was found to produce the highest ε-PL yield,reaching 10.74 g/L.Then,the transformation medium and conditions were systematically optimized,and the optimal transformation conditions was obtained:glucose 80 g/L,cell culture time 12 h,reaction temperature 30 ℃,L-lysine 15 g/L,citric acid 15 g/L,initial pH 4.0,(NH4)2SO4 6 g/L,and wet biomass 1 900 g/L.In the optimal system,the ε-PL yield and substrate conversion rate reached 13.80 g/L and 38.9%,respectively,which were 4.1 and 3.2 folds higher than those in shake flask fermentation system.Finally,the L-lysine spe-cific permease gene(lysp)from Escherichia coli BL21 was heterologous expressed to enhance the strain's ability to uptake exogenous L-ly-sine.Compared with the starting strain,the recombinant strain S.albulus OE-lysp showed a 26%increase in L-lysine utilization rate and a 33%increase in substrate conversion rate.The ε-PL yield also increased by 17.21 g/L,about 6.4 times higher than that in shake flask fermentation system,which is to our knowledge the highest reported ε-PL production in shake flask fermentation system.The results dem-onstrate the feasibility of producing ε-PL using a whole-cell transformation method and provide a solid technical foundation for the produc-tion of high-value ε-PL using L-lysine.Therefore,this study has important theoretical significance and high economic value.
Streptomyces albulusε-poly-L-lysinewhole-cell transformationheterologous expressionL-lysine permeable protein
《食品与发酵工业》 2024 (1)