

Effects of quorum sensing and quorum quenching mediated by AHLs on plant-rhizosphere microbial interactions


根际是由植物根系和土壤微生物之间相互作用形成的一种特殊环境,根际微生物群落的宏基因组是植物微生物组的重要组成部分.植物与根际微生物之间的相互作用是一个复杂的过程.在根际环境中,微生物群落利用复杂的种内和种间信号传导机制招募特定的微生物,协调并控制混合群落的行为,从而影响植物的生长发育和健康.根际微生物能够自发产生、释放特定的信号分子,并能感知其浓度变化,从而调节微生物的群体行为,这一调控系统称为群体感应(quorum sensing,QS).QS系统的特征是合成和释放特定的信号分子.根际土壤细菌中存在多种QS信号分子,如N-酰基高丝氨酸内酯(AHLs)、二酮哌嗪、扩散信号因子、次生代谢物、植物激素类分子等.AHLs作为细菌中被广泛研究的QS信号分子,在植物与根际微生物的相互作用中发挥重要作用.本文综述了AHLs介导的群体感应机制,并讨论了 AHLs在植物与根际微生物相互作用中的调节作用,包括AHLs对植物的生长发育、逆境耐受性和抗病性等方面的有益影响,以及AHLs介导的QS系统调控导致的根际致病菌对植物的有害影响,同时还探讨了基于AHLs的群体淬灭对植物-根际微生物相互作用的影响,以期为植物健康与农业生产提供新的思路和方法,推动可持续农业的发展.

The rhizosphere is a unique environment that arises from the interaction between plant roots and soil microorganisms.The metagenome of the microbial community in the rhizosphere plays a crucial role in shaping the plant microbiome.The interaction between plants and rhizosphere microorganisms is a complex process.In the rhizosphere environment,the microbial community re-cruits specific microorganisms through intricate signaling mechanisms within and between species.This coordination and control of the mixed community ultimately impacts the growth,development and health of plants.From an academic perspective,rhizosphere signaling mechanisms can be categorized into three primary types.Firstly,plants transmit signals to microorganisms by secreting low molecular weight molecules.Secondly,there is inter-and intraspecific microbial signaling.Lastly,microorganisms transmit signals to plants through compounds they produce.Rhizosphere microbes utilize quorum sensing(QS)to autonomously generate and release distinct signaling molecules,enabling them to detect variations in their concentrations and thereby regulate microbial quorum behavi-or.QS is a bacterial intercellular communication mechanism that regulates the expression of numerous bacterial genes,which are in-volved in various plant-microbe interactions.These interactions encompass functions such as biofilm formation,nitrogen fixation,hy-drolysis,enzyme and extracellular polysaccharide synthesis,toxin production,cell movement,and intercellular connectivity.QS sys-tems are characterized by the synthesis and release of specific signaling molecules.This process is crucial in rhizosphere communica-tion as it enables the transmission of inter-and intraspecific information through the necessary signaling molecules.Due to the high density and diversity of rhizosphere bacteria,the rhizosphere may facilitate the transmission of QS signals.Additionally,these signal-ing molecules aid in the colonization of plant root surfaces or other rhizosphere-related areas by rhizosphere bacteria through gene ex-pression mediated by QS.Recent research has revealed the presence of N-acyl-homoserine lactones(AHLs),diketopiperazines,dif-fusible signaling factor,secondary metabolites,phytohormonelike molecules and other QS signaling molecules in rhizosphere soil bacteria.AHLs are the most extensively studied quorum sensing signaling molecules in bacteria.They not only mediate bacterial quorum sensing,but also have a significant impact on the interaction between plants and rhizosphere microorganisms.This includes the colonization of rhizosphere microorganisms,the maintenance of soil ecosystems and the effects on plant growth.An in-depth un-derstanding of the quorum sensing mechanism mediated by AHLs holds significant importance in promoting agricultural production,enhancing plant health,and fostering sustainable development.This article presents a review of the quorum sensing mechanism medi-ated by AHLs and discusses the regulatory role of AHLs in the interaction between plants and rhizosphere microorganisms.It ex-plores the beneficial effects of AHLs on plant growth and development,stress tolerance and disease resistance,as well as the harmful effects of rhizosphere pathogenic bacteria on plants due to AHLs-mediated regulation of the QS system.Additionally,the article ex-plores the impact of AHLs-based quorum quenching on plant-rhizosphere microbial interactions,aiming to provide valuable insights for plant health and agricultural production.The article also proposes new ideas and methods to promote the development of sustain-able agriculture.


福建农林大学菌草与生态学院 福州 350002福建省林业调查规划院 福州 350003



Rhizosphere microorganismsN-acyl-homoserine lactones(AHLs)Quorum sensingQuorum quenchingPlant health

《中国生态农业学报(中英文)》 2024 (001)


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国家自然科学基金项目(31500443)、福建省自然科学基金项目(2022J01139)、福建省财政林业科技研究项目(2023FKJ26)、福建农林大学科技创新专项(KFb22046XA,KJb22019XA)和福建农林大学生态学一流学科建设项目资助 This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31500443),Fujian Provincial Natural Science Foundation(2022J01139),Fujian Provincial Finance and Forestry Science and Technology Research Project(2023FKJ26),Fujian Agriculture and Forestry Uni-versity Science and Technology Innovation Project(KFb22046XA,KJb22019XA),and Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University First-class Ecolo-gical Discipline Construction Project.

