

Effects of conservation tillage methods on maize growth and yields in a typical black soil region


实施保护性耕作对保护东北黑土和保障国家粮食安全具有重要意义.为明确东北典型黑土区保护性耕作对玉米产量的影响及其关键因素,开展了连续3年大田定位试验,设常规垄作秸秆不还田(CK)、免耕秸秆全量粉碎覆盖(T1)、免耕留高茬全量秸秆覆盖(T2)、少耕秸秆全量条带覆盖(T3)共4个处理,分析了不同处理对土壤理化特性及玉米生长发育、产量及其构成因素的影响.结果表明,与CK相比,保护性耕作处理(T1、T2和T3)0~20 cm耕层土壤有机质含量呈增加趋势;保护性耕作显著提高了播种至出苗期耕层土壤含水量,T1、T2和T3处理分别提高 7.8%~30.4%、9.0%~18.7%和 17.3%~20.0%,但显著降低土壤温度,分别降低 2.56~3.11 ℃、2.02~2.27 ℃、0.94~1.93℃;分别延迟玉米出苗时间5~7d、4~6 d和2d;T3处理3年平均出苗率较CK增加3.2%,T1和T2处理出苗率分别降低4.3%和4.7%;T1、T2和T3处理均降低了苗期株高整齐度和植株干物质积累,但T3处理降低幅度明显小于T1和T2处理,6叶期之后干物质积累降低幅度逐渐减小;T1和T2处理显著降低玉米产量,降幅分别为7.5%~15.6%和5.5%~12.9%,T3处理产量与CK差异不显著.结构方程模型(SEM)揭示,保护性耕作通过调节土壤含水量和温度,间接影响玉米出苗时间、出苗率、穗数和百粒重,进而影响产量,也可通过直接影响出苗质量和产量构成因素进而影响产量.在东北典型黑土区,少耕秸秆全量条带覆盖(T3)不仅有利于提高土壤有机质含量,而且还有利于平衡土壤水分和温度矛盾,缩短出苗时间、提高出苗质量、高产稳产,是该区域适宜的保护性耕作方式.

Implementation of conservation tillage is crucial for protecting black soil in Northeast China and ensuring national food se-curity.A three-year field experiment was conducted to examine the impact of conservation tillage on maize yields and its key factors in a typical black soil region of Northeast China.Four treatments were designed,including conventional ridge tillage without straw mulching(CK),no-tillage with 100%crushed straw mulching(T1),no-tillage with high stubble and 100%straw mulching(T2),and reduced tillage with 100%straw strip mulching(T3).This study analyzed the physical and chemical properties of soil,maize growth,yields,and its components to assess the effects of different treatments on soil and maize yields.The results demonstrated that conser-vation tillage treatments(T1,T2,and T3)increased soil organic matter content in the 0-20 cm soil layer compared with the CK treat-ment.Additionally,conservation tillage significantly improved the soil water content during the sowing to seedling stages,while de-creasing the soil temperature.T1,T2,and T3 treatments led to increases in the soil water content,ranging from 7.8%to 30.4%,9.0%to 18.7%,and 17.3%to 20.0%,respectively.Meanwhile,the soil temperature decreased by 2.56 ℃ to 3.11 ℃,2.02 ℃ to 2.27 ℃,and 0.94 ℃ to 1.93 ℃,respectively.The data revealed that the emergence times of T1 and T2 were delayed by 5-7 days and 4-6 days,respectively.However,T3 only experienced a delay of two days.Over the three years,the average seedling emergence rate of T3 treatment increased by 3.2%compared to CK,whereas the emergence rates of T1 and T2 decreased by 4.3%and 4.7%,respect-ively.T1,T2,and T3 treatments reduced the uniformity of plant height and dry matter accumulation at the sixth leaf collar stage,with T3 treatment exhibiting a significantly smaller decrease than the T1 and T2 treatments.Additionally,dry matter accumulation after the sixth leaf collar gradually decreased in T3 compared to that in the other treatments.T1 and T2 significantly reduced the yield by 7.5%to 15.6%and 5.5%to 12.9%,respectively,over the course of three years.However,T3 treatment did not show a significant dif-ference compared with CK.The structural equation model(SEM)indicated that conservation tillage indirectly affected yields by reg-ulating soil water content and temperature,thereby influencing emergence time,emergence rate,ear number,and 100-kernal weight.Furthermore,conservation tillage can directly affect emergence quality and yield components,subsequently affecting yields.There-fore,T3 is an optimal conservation tillage practice for a typical black soil region of Northeast China.T3 not only improves soil organ-ic matter content but also helps in adjusting the contradiction between soil moisture and temperature to shorten the emergence time,improve the quality of emergence,and stabilize yields.


吉林省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所/农业农村部东北作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室 长春 130033||内蒙古农业大学农学院 呼和浩特 010019中国农业科学院作物科学研究所/农业农村部作物生理生态重点实验室 北京 100081吉林省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所/农业农村部东北作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室 长春 130033



Black region of Northeast ChinaConservation tillageMaize yieldSoil physicochemical properties

《中国生态农业学报(中英文)》 2024 (001)

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吉林省科技发展计划项目(20210202024NC)、中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDA28080204)和国家重点研发计划项目子课题(2022YFD1500104-03)资助 This study was supported by the Science and Technology Development Plan Project of Jilin Province(20210202024NC),the Strategic Priority Re-search Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDA28080204),and the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFD1500104-03).

