

Evolution and driving factors of salt marsh wetland landscape pattern in the Yellow River Delta in 1973-2020


明晰滨海盐沼湿地景观格局演化模式和驱动因素,有助于制定合理的盐沼湿地修复策略、维护区域生态系统健康和可持续发展.以黄河三角洲滨海盐沼湿地为例,基于Landsat系列卫星影像获取1973-2020年共十个时期土地利用/覆被数据,得出盐沼湿地时空变化及其与周边土地利用/覆被的相互转化;利用改进的景观格局状态与演化识别模型(SEDMS),分析盐沼湿地景观格局演化模式,并利用地理探测器探究其空间分异驱动因素.结果表明:(1)1973-2020年,盐沼湿地面积减少了252.35 km2,空间范围总体向外海迁移且趋于集中.盐沼湿地转出类型主要为草地、养殖池/盐田和耕地,转入类型主要为滩涂未利用地和水体.(2)盐沼湿地景观格局演化模式呈明显的阶段性特征:1973-1995年为动荡期,演化模式以消失和破碎为主导;1995-2010为过渡期,格局演化模式逐渐由消失和破碎为主导转变为扩张为主导;2010年后为稳定期,格局发生演化的区域较少,总体以新增和扩张为主.(3)36%的盐沼湿地出现了多次格局演变模式的转变,滩涂未利用地、耕地对于景观格局演化频数的影响最为显著,人工表面、养殖池/盐田和道路堤坝的建设导致了盐沼湿地的破碎和消失.

Understanding the dynamics and driving factors of the coastal salt marsh landscape patterns is critical for effective wetland restoration and sustainable development of the regional ecosystem.This study aims to investigate the spatiotemporal evolution and the driving factors of the salt marsh landscape patterns in the coastal wetlands in the Yellow River Delta.First,we obtained the land use/cover maps during ten periods from 1973 to 2020 based on Landsat series satellite images,based on which we analyzed the spatiotemporal variations of the spatial extent of salt marshes and the conversion between salt marshes and other land use/cover types.We then adopted an improved State-and-Evolution Detection models(SEDMS)to analyze the landscape pattern evolution characteristics of salt marshes and utilized the geographic detector to analyze the driving factors of the spatial variation.The results showed that:(1)from 1973 to 2020,the area of salt marshes decreased by 252.35 km2,and the spatial extent moved seaward and tended to be concentrated.The lost salt marshes were mainly converted to grassland,aquaculture ponds,salt pans,and cultivated lands,while the restored salt marshes were mainly converted from tidal flats and unutilized land,water bodies.(2)The evolution of the salt marsh landscape showed obvious three stages:the unstable period from 1973 to 1995,during which the landscape pattern change types were dominated by disappearance and fragmentation;the transitional period from 1995 to 2010,during which the landscape pattern change types gradually transitioned from disappearance/fragmentation-dominated to expansion-dominated;the stable period after 2010,during which the area with landscape pattern change were relatively small,and the landscape pattern change types were dominated by emergence and expansion.(3)Nearly 36%of the salt marsh wetlands experienced multiple alterations in landscape pattern change types.The tidal flats and unutilized land,cultivated land had the most significant influence on the frequency of landscape pattern changes and the artificial surface,aquaculture ponds/salt pans,road and dams led to the fragmentation and disappearance of salt marsh wetlands.


首都师范大学城市环境过程与数字模拟国家重点实验室培育基地,北京 100048||首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院,北京 100048||首都师范大学水资源安全北京实验室,北京 100048首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院,北京 100048


salt marsh wetlandremote sensingYellow River Deltalandscape pattern evolution modelgeographic detector

《生态学报》 2024 (001)


67-80 / 14


