

Landscape pattern transformation based on differences in topography:Taking Fengjie County in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area as an example



Quantitatively exploring the driving mechanism of impact factors on landscape patterns,which is helpful for the clarification of the the evolution process and development direction of landscape patterns in mountainous areas.Based on the research framework of landscape pattern transformation under differences in topography,this paper explores temporal and spatial evolution laws of landscape patterns under different topographies in Fengjie County,the hinterland of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area from the perspective of the whole region to typical geomorphic regions from 1990 to 2020,and summarizes its transformation modes.To reveal the driving mechanism of landscape pattern transformation of different geomorphic types,the binary logistic regression model is used to analyze relationships between impact factors and landscape patterns.The results show that:(1)over the past 30 years,cultivated land and grassland have reduced,and forest,orchard and abandoned land have increased,and the fragmentation of the landscape has increased.In valley and hilly region(VHR),cultivated land has greatly reduced,and orchard has expanded rapidly.In low mountainous region(LMR),cultivated land has reduced slowly,and the phenomenon of abandonment was obvious,while in medium mountainous region(MMR),forest has showd restorative growth.Therefore the landscape pattern in VHR tended to be economically oriented,while landscape patterns in LMR and MMR tended to be ecologically oriented.(2)Landscape patterns of the study area were characterized by transformations from traditional agricultural type,agriculture-dominated type and ecology-dominatedⅠ type to ecology-economic type,ecology-dominated Ⅱ type and ecological type.According to transformation characteristics of landscape patterns of different geomorphic regions,three transformation modes were summarized:ecology-economic type of VHR,ecology-dominated Ⅱ type of LMR,and ecological type of MMR.(3)Impact factors had differences in the evolution of landscape patterns.From the perspective of the whole region,agricultural and ecological landscape patterns were mainly affected by human interference,and ecology-economic landscape pattern was mainly affected by terrain,and natural landscape pattern was mainly affected by water and heat conditions.However,from the perspective of different geomorphic regions,terrain was the dominant factor affecting landscape patterns in VHR,and with the increase of geomorphic gradient,the explanatory role of terrain in LMR and MMR was weakened,and the explanatory role of human interference was enhanced,and the mountainous landscape patterns were influenced by the combination of human interference and terrain.The results reveal the unique evolution laws of landscape patterns of different geomorphic types in Fengjie County,which is of great significance to ecological and economic construction in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area,as well as for the rational planning of land resources in mountainous areas.


重庆师范大学地理与旅游学院,重庆 401331重庆师范大学地理与旅游学院,重庆 401331||三峡库区地表过程与环境遥感重庆市重点实验室,重庆 401331


differences in topographylandscape pattern transformationdriving mechanismThree Gorges Reservoir Area

《生态学报》 2024 (001)

81-95 / 15


