

Trans-crustal magmatic system changes lithospheric rheology and thermal structure


以山东东部穿地壳岩浆系统为例,通过研究岩石圈流变结构和热结构,结合已有野外探勘及地球物理数据,对山东东部地壳演变进行还原和解释,并且进一步建立穿地壳岩浆系统的岩浆深部热效应模型,考察岩石圈深部动力学演化机制.初步估算靶区地温,对山东东部地区超过6 km岩石圈结构及其地热储集体展布进行预测,进一步阐述山东东部深部地热储集体形成理论模型.结果表明:华北克拉通太古宙形成具有稳定刚性的陆壳,花岗岩主要以未变质或浅变质的表壳岩为主;中生代以来受华北克拉通基底不稳定,经历强烈构造-岩浆活动,产生强烈构造变形,岩石圈地幔发生拆沉和置换;晚中生代山东东部由于深部构造活动剧烈,穿地壳岩浆沿大型断裂上涌至喷出地表,伴随热隆效应及同化混染;岩石圈厚度减薄,地幔上涌至上、中地壳,伴随表壳岩熔融,其中富含不相容的放射性元素随岩浆再次上涌,不断向浅部地壳输送生热的放射性元素,从而使得岩石圈热结构及流变结构改变.

This paper takes the transcrustal magmatic system in eastern Shandong as an example.By studying the rheological structure and thermal structure of the lithosphere,combined with the existing field exploration and geophysical data,the crus-tal evolution in eastern Shandong was reduced and explained,and the magma deep thermal effect model of the transcrustal magmatic system is further established to understand the deep dynamic evolution mechanism of the lithosphere.The geother-mal temperature of the target area is preliminarily estimated,and the lithospheric structure and the distribution of geothermal reservoirs above 6 km in eastern Shandong are predicted,and the theoretical model of the formation of deep geothermal reser-voirs in eastern Shandong is further elaborated.The results show that the North China Craton formed a stable and rigid conti-nental crust in the Archean,and the granites are mainly composed of non-metamorphic or low-metamorphic supracrustal rocks.Since the Mesozoic,the basement of the North China Craton has been unstable and experienced strong tectono-mag-matic activities,resulting in strong tectonic deformation,delamination and replacement of the lithospheric mantle.In the late Mesozoic,due to the intense deep tectonic activity in the eastern part of Shandong Province,the transcrustal magma surged up to the surface along the large fault,accompanied by the thermal uplift effect and assimilation and contamination.The thickness of the lithosphere is thinned,and the mantle rises to the upper and middle crust.With the melting of the supra-crustal rock,the incompatible radioactive elements are re-upwelled with the magma,and the heat-generating radioactive ele-ments are continuously transported to the shallow crust,thus changing the thermal structure and rheological structure of the lithosphere.


中国石油大学(华东)地球科学与技术学院,山东青岛 266580中国石油大学(华东)地球科学与技术学院,山东青岛 266580||山东能源集团南美有限公司,山东青岛 266000山东能源集团南美有限公司,山东青岛 266000



trans-crustal magmatic systemsthermal structure of lithospherelithospheric rheological structuregeothermal energy

《中国石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (001)

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