

Technical Analysis for Achieving 3-Minute Train Tracking Interval on 400 km/h High Speed Railways


400 km/h高速铁路将是我国未来高速铁路发展的重要方向,而实现列车3 min追踪间隔是建设400 km/h高速铁路亟需解决的关键问题.为解决上述问题,本研究通过理论分析与仿真实验分析了400 km/h高速铁路实现3 min追踪间隔时间所需达到的技术条件.理论分析阶段,根据我国高速铁路目前采用的闭塞防护技术,分别分析了列车出发、区间和到达3类追踪间隔的计算方法与影响因素,并结合线路实际设计、运营情况和敏感性分析筛选出具有优化价值的关键影响因素.仿真实验阶段,利用计算机仿真建立多因素列车追踪运行仿真模型,以实现列车3 min追踪间隔为目标,运用控制变量法分析得到了整套技术条件.研究成果对于研究实现400 km/h高速铁路3 min追踪间隔时间具有一定参考意义.

The development of 400 km/h high speed railways is a crucial direction for China's future high speed rail network.Achieving a 3-minute train tracking interval is a key challenge in the construction of 400 km/h high speed railways.To address this problem,this paper employed theoretical analysis and simulation experiments to analyze the technical conditions required for achieving a 3-minute train tracking interval on 400 km/h high speed railways.In the theoretical analysis phase,based on the block protection technology currently used in China's high speed railway,methods for calculating tracking intervals in three categories:train departure,line section,and arrival,were analyzed,along with the factors influencing them.Key factors with optimization value were selected through considerations of actual route design,operational circumstances,and sensitivity analysis.In the simulation experiment phase,a multi-factor train tracking operation simulation model was established using computer simulation.The goal was to achieve a 3-minute train tracking interval,and a set of technical conditions was determined through the use of the control variable method.The research findings provide valuable reference for studying the achievement of a 3-minute train tracking interval on 400 km/h high speed railways.


西南交通大学 交通运输与物流学院,四川 成都 611756



400 km/h High Speed RailwayTechnical ConditionsTrain Tracking IntervalTrain Operation SimulationTrain Operation Organization

《铁道运输与经济》 2024 (001)

10-16,25 / 8


