

Application of Catenary Dropper Calculation Based on BIM Parametric Modeling in Beijing-Zhangjiakou High Speed Railway



As China's electrified railway construction rapidly grows and the information and intelligence requirements continuously improve,engineering designers have grown requirements for the installation of catenary suspension,in which the calculation of dropper length is the top priority of catenary suspension.The factors affecting the calculation of dropper length of elastic chain type catenary of high speed railway based on BIM parametric modeling were analyzed.The data were analyzed from the key factors affecting the calculation of dropper length,such as span,the first suspension string distance,structural height,wire parameters,and curve elements to find out the key factors and change rules affecting the dropper length,clearing field measurement standards.In addition,the parametric application was carried out through a BIM lightweight platform.The three parts of measurement,calculation,and BIM parameterization form a closed-loop control,which provides a basis for on-site measurement and calculation and effectively improves the accuracy of dropper calculation.The construction and installation simulation transforms from two-dimensional to three-dimensional.Data interconnection is realized and finally provides a solid foundation for forming a high-quality OCS relationship.


中铁电气化局集团有限公司 设计研究院,北京 100166



BIM Parametric ModelingDropper LengthsSpanFirst Dropper DistanceCatenary SagStructure HeightCurve ElementLightweight Display

《铁道运输与经济》 2024 (001)

67-73 / 7


