

Achievements of thyroid surgery in China in recent ten years



In the past decade,thyroid surgery in China has developed rapidly.With the improvement of thyroid diagnosis technology,the standardization of thyroid surgery,the clinical application of systematic therapy,and the progress in fundamental research,thyroid surgery has achieved all-round development.Patients with thyroid disease have benefited significantly from safer,more standardized,more effective,and more diverse treatments,which results in the remarkable increase in the 5-year survival rate.Moreover,Chinese experts have published a number of guidelines and expert consensus related to thyroid surgery,which promotes the standardization of the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disease.Additionally,the specialized multidisciplinary teams in cancer centers allow patients to receive more standardized diagnosis and treatment of complex thyroid diseases.In the present article,we summarize the important developments of China's thyroid surgery in the past decade,including preoperative diagnosis technology,surgical methods,operation safety,application of minimally invasive techniques,diagnosis and treatment of special thyroid cancers,multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment models,and standardized postoperative managements.We expect to popularize the concept of standardized diagnosis and treatment of thyroid diseases,and improve the level of standardized diagnosis and treatment in thyroid surgery.


中国人民解放军总医院第一医学中心普通外科医学部甲状腺(疝)外科,北京 100853



thyroid cancersurgical treatmentstandardized diagnosis and treatmentminimally invasive surgerymultidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment

《西安交通大学学报(医学版)》 2024 (001)

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国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.82303414)Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.82303414)

