

Interpretation of the Chinese CACA Guidelines for Thyroid Cancer(2022 edition)from a surgical perspective


外科手术切除是大多数甲状腺癌(thyroid cancer,TC)患者的标准治疗方法,对TC的预后具有至关重要的意义.而明确TC的手术适应证,规范TC的手术方法并制定合理化、个性化的治疗策略,是外科治疗达到疗效最大化的关键.近年来全球范围内针对TC诊疗相关的指南共识相继迅速更新,亟需与时俱进、覆盖疾病全程、适合中国国情的综合性指南.在此背景下,中国抗癌协会(CACA)首部涵盖所有病理类型的TC诊治指南《中国肿瘤整合诊治指南—CACA甲状腺癌诊治指南》(简称2022版CACA指南)于2022年4月正式发布.本文结合笔者个人临床经验,以外科视角从分化型TC(DTC)的诊断、初始治疗和术后随访三个方面对2022版CACA指南内容进行解读,探讨外科治疗策略在TC诊治全程管理中的特殊性及其价值,并指出了未来仍需探索研究的相关领域.

Surgical resection is the standard treatment for most patients with thyroid cancer(TC)and is of critical significance for the prognosis of TC.However,clarifying the surgical indications of TC,standardizing the surgical method of TC and formulating rational and personalized treatment strategies are the key to maximizing the curative effect of surgical treatment.In recent years,the global consensus on guidelines related to TC diagnosis and treatment has been rapidly updated,and comprehensive guidelines covering the whole course of the disease and suitable for China's national conditions are urgently needed to keep pace with the times.In this context,the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association(CACA)'s first guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer covering all pathologic types,"Chinese Guidelines for the Integrated Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer-CACA Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Thyroid Cancer,"(short as 2022 edition of CACA guidelines)was officially released in April 2022.Based on the authors'personal clinical experience,this paper will interpret the contents of the 2022 edition of CACA guidelines from differentiated TC(DTC)diagnosis,initial treatment and postoperative follow-up from a surgical perspective,explore the particularity and value of surgical treatment strategies in the entire management of TC diagnosis and treatment,and point out areas that deserve to be explored in the future.


昆明医科大学第一附属医院甲状腺疾病诊治中心,云南昆明 650032



CACA Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Thyroid Cancerthyroid cancerguide interpretationsurgical strategy

《西安交通大学学报(医学版)》 2024 (001)


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国家自然基金资助项目(No.82160462);云南省"万人计划"——名医专项(No.RLCRC20210412)Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.82160462)and Yunnan Province"Ten Thousand People Plan"—Famous Doctor Special Program(No.RLCRC20210412)

