

New path exploration of public hospitals party brand building to promote the deep integration of party and medical services


目的 通过党建品牌创建,探索公立医院党建与业务深度融合的路径和方法.方法 以上海市某医院创建基层党建品牌为例,利用品牌创建为抓手,搭建载体,探索党建品牌创建助推公立医院基层党建与业务融合发展的路径.结果 通过品牌创建,在辖区内部组成了党建联盟,创建核心单位发挥了区域医疗中心辐射带动作用,利用一个系统疾病作为党建业务融合的小切口,极大地发挥了党建引领业务发展的推动作用.结论 党建品牌作为载体,能极大地发挥出党建引领作用,把公立医院党建和医疗业务工作深度融合,从而提升党建工作成效、推动党建引领下的公立医院高质量发展.

Objective To explore the path and methods of deeply integrating party building with professional routine work in public hospitals through the creating of party building brands.Methods Taking the establishment of grassroots party brand in a hospital in shanghai as an example,using the brand creation as a starting point,we build a carrier,in order to explore the positive effect of Party building brand's creating on the integration and development of grass-roots Party building and profes-sional routine work in public hospitals.Results Through brand creation,the party building alliance was formed.The core unit was created to play a radiating role of the regional medical center,and a system disease was used as a breakthrough for the inte-gration of party building and professional routine work,where party building pays a great role in promoting business development.Conclusion As a carrier,Party building brand can play a leading role in Party building,deeply integrating Party building of governmental hospitals and medical work,thereby,improving the effectiveness of Party building and promoting high-quality devel-opment of public hospitals under the guidance of Party building.


同济大学附属上海市第十人民医院崇明分院 上海 202157



Party building brandPublic hospitalsParty and medical work integration

《现代医院》 2024 (001)

20-22,25 / 4


