

Visual analysis of pulmonary hypertension research based on CiteSpace


目的 对近10年肺动脉高压(PH)领域研究的前沿和热点进行分析,为该领域以后的研究提供一定参考.方法 检索 Web of Science数据库核心合集中2012-2021年PH领域相关文献,运用CiteSpace软件对作者、机构、国家进行共现分析,并对关键词进行聚类分析及burst分析.结果 共纳入相关文献12 774篇.分析结果显示,近年来PH领域的研究呈上升趋势,该领域发文量最多的是美国;研究机构中加州大学圣地亚哥分校有较高学术影响力;发文量10篇以上的该领域核心作者共130位.PH领域的研究热点主要集中在发病机制、早期诊断与预后、靶向药物、新生儿持续PH和肺纤维化相关PH等方面.结论 近10年来,PH领域的研究热点不断更新.新型靶向药物、生物标志物在诊断与预后中的价值是未来的重点研究方向.

Objective To analyze the research frontiers and hot spots in the field of pulmonary hyper-tension(PH)in the past 10 years,and to provide a certain reference for the future research in this field.Meth-ods The related literatures in the field of PH in the core collection of the Web of science database from 2012 to 2021 were retrieved.The CiteSpace software was used to perform the co-occurrence analysis of authors,in-stitutions and countries,and the cluster analysis and burst analysis were conducted on the keywords.Results A total of 12 774 related articles were included.The analysis results showed that the researches on PH in recent years maintained an upward trend,the largest number of published articles in this field was in the United States.Among the research institutions,the University of California-San Diego has high academic in-fluence;In this field,there were 130 core authors who published more than 10 articles.The research hotspots in the field of PH mainly focused on the pathogenesis,early diagnosis and prognosis,targeted drugs,persistent PH in neonates and pulmonary fibrosis-related PH.Conclusion In the last 10 years,the research hotspots in the field of PH have been continuously updated.The value of new targeted drugs and biomarkers in the diag-nosis and prognosis is the focused research direction in the future.


济宁医学院 临床医学院,山东济宁 272067济宁医学院 精准医学研究院,山东济宁 272067济宁医学院 图书馆,山东济宁 272067



BibliometricsPulmonary hypertensionCiteSpace softwareVisualization analysisKnowledge map

《现代医药卫生》 2024 (001)


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