

Comparison of the Determination of Muscle Nutrients of Valley Type Tibetan Sheep,Qinghai Semi-fine Wool Sheep and Qinghai Tibetan Sheep


为研究推广优良品种优势,更好地服务于选种、选育和羊肉生产性能推广应用,选取山谷型藏羊与青海半细毛羊和青海藏羊3个品种、不同年龄的羯羊,开展肌肉营养成分分析和氨基酸含量测定,结果表明:山谷型藏羊主要营养指标和检测数据为:粗蛋白含量为 21.00%,粗脂肪 3.15%,胆固醇0.3650(mg/g),挥发性盐基氮0.1190(mg/g),矿物质总量 6 785(mg/g),能量为 4.74(kJ/g),氨基酸总量比青海半细毛羊高 16.08%,比青海藏羊高5.06%.结论是挥发性盐基酸的含量可反映了羊肉的新鲜程度,在0.15mg/g以内均为新鲜,说明本次分析检测的羊肉具有高能量、高蛋白、低脂肪、低胆固醇和氨基酸含量丰富的食品,是符合无公害食品.

In order to study and promote the advantages of excellent breeds and better serve the promotion and application of seed selection,breeding and mutton production performance,this study selected three breeds of valley-type Tibetan sheep,Qinghai semi-fine wool sheep and Qinghai Tibetan sheep,and Jie sheep of different ages.We carry out muscle nutrient compo-sition analysis and amino acid content determination.The results show that the main nutritional indicators and testing data of valley-type Tibetan sheep are crude protein content of 21.00%,crude fat 3.15%,cholesterol 0.3650(mg/g),volatile base ni-trogen 0.1190(mg/g),and total mineralcontent 6 785(mg/g),energy is 4.74(kJ/g).Its total amino acid content is 16.08%higher than Qinghai semi-fine wool sheep and 5.06%higher than Qinghai Tibetan sheep.The conclusion of this study is that the content of volatile basic acids can reflect the freshness of mutton,and anything within 0.15mg/g is considered fresh.This shows that the mutton tested in this analysis has high energy,high protein,low fat,low cholesterol and rich amino acid con-tent,and is a pollution-free food.


青海省畜禽遗传资源保护利用中心,青海西宁 810016



Valley type Tibetan sheepQinghai semi-fine wool sheepQinghai Tibetan sheepnutritiondeterminationcomparison

《畜牧兽医杂志》 2024 (002)

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