

Impact of Natural Grassland Degradation in Tianzhu County on the Protection of Chakou Yima Breed Resources and Countermeasures



Natural pasture plays an important role in supporting and promoting the development of animal husbandry.However,due to the lack of effective institutional management and technological innovation,people's unregulated development and utilization have led to increasing degradation of natural grasslands.This article takes Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous Coun-ty,located in the Qilian Mountain Plateau area,as an example.We investigated and analyzed the current situation of natural grassland degradation,proposed a series of strategies that can promote the sustainable development of natural grassland,and discussed and analyzed the impact on my country's rare horse breeds under the background of natural grassland degradation in Tianzhu County-The impact of breed resource protection on Tianzhu Chakou Stage Horse.This will play an important role in protecting and developing the Chakou Yima germplasm resources in Tianzhu County in the future,developing modern animal husbandry in plateau areas,and inheriting and developing the characteristic horse industry culture in Tibetan areas.This article aims to explore an effective management plan for the protection and coordinated development of Tianzhu County's natural grassland and Chakou Yima breed resources,and to ensure the healthy development of the ecological environment and social e-conomy.


天祝藏族自治县畜牧技术推广站,甘肃天祝 733299西北民族大学天祝藏族自治县万良走马养殖场



grassland degradationChakou Stagecoachbreed resource protectiondevelopment and utilization

《畜牧兽医杂志》 2024 (002)

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