

Establishing a Discipline System of Natural Resource Economics with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era



The paper provides a comprehensive and systematic explanation of natural resource economics with Chinese characteristics based on a systematic summary of the research results of natural resource economics since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.The field of natural resource economics with Chinese characteristics focuses on the study of the sum of various economic laws,relations,and the resulting policies related to natural resource protection,development,and utilization,with the economic activities of natural resources in China as the object.The task of natural resource economics with Chinese characteristics is to reveal the fundamental laws that govern the operation and development of the natural resource economy in China under the new background of the development and change of the main social contradictions in the primary stage of socialism.Natural resource economics with Chinese characteristics should take the property rights of natural resources as the core,all kinds of relations especially economic relations in the development,utilization,and protection of natural resources as the foundation,the accounting of natural resource assets and their ecosystem service value as the starting point,and the market-based allocation of natural resource elements as the key,so as to make efficient use of resources,promote green development and ensure resource security,to solve the problem of negative externalities in the development,utilization and protection of resources,realize the harmonious coexistence between human and nature,and study and solve a series of economic problems in the development,utilization and protection of natural resources.A thorough understanding of Marxism positions,perspectives,and methods is the basis of studying and solving the problems of natural resource economics.Natural resource economic research must be deeply rooted in the excellent traditional Chinese culture,and adhere to the"two combinations",that is,integrate the basic tenets of Marxism with China's realities and the best of its traditional culture.Natural resource economic research needs to comprehensively study and understand Xi Jinping's Thoughts on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,in full and faithful implementation of the New Development Philosophy,and effectively integrate Xi Jinping's thoughts on economics,Xi Jinping's thoughts on ecological civilization,and a holistic approach to national security.Natural resource economic research needs to closely focus on the positioning of natural resource work,consolidate the economic foundation for overall development and security,comprehensively arrange the resource allocation and spatial layout,comprehensively arrange the development,utilization,and protection,and comprehensively arrange the resources,assets,and capital of the foundations of economics.Studying and judging the situation,summarizing the law,exploring the theory,and making decision support are the basic skills that must be practiced well in natural resource economics research.


中国自然资源经济研究院,北京 101149



Chinese characteristicsnatural resource economicsdiscipline systemnatural resource economic research

《中国国土资源经济》 2024 (001)

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