

Contamination in refrigerators from ward treatment rooms of a tertiary first-class hospital


目的 了解某三级甲等医院病区治疗室冰箱的微生物污染及管理情况,为加强病区治疗室医用冰箱清洁消毒工作提供依据.方法 随机选取该医院不同病区治疗室使用中的冰箱共计40台行微生物采样、培养及菌种鉴定,并从相应病区中随机选取40名治疗护士进行问卷调查以了解冰箱的日常管理情况.结果 共采集223份标本,阳性标本142份,阳性率为63.68%,共检出细菌247株,其中革兰阳性菌占41.30%(102株),革兰阴性菌占10.93%(27株),真菌占47.77%(118株).检出多重耐药铜绿假单胞菌2株,分别来自Ⅲ类环境的同一个冰箱的底壁和排水槽,重点监测多重耐药菌检出率为0.90%(2/223).各病区对冰箱常规清洁消毒频次和清洁消毒方法各不相同.结论 医疗机构病区治疗室冰箱清洁消毒管理工作存在欠缺,病区应加强冰箱的清洁与消毒工作,同时医院感染管理部门也应加强相应的监督与管理.

Objective To investigate the microbial contamination and management of refrigerators in the ward treatment rooms of a tertiary first-class hospital,and provide reference for strengthening the cleaning and disinfec-tion of medical refrigerators in the ward treatment rooms.Methods A total of 40 refrigerators in use from the treatment rooms of different wards in the hospital were randomly selected for microbial sampling,culture,and bac-terial identification.Forty nurses were randomly chosen from the corresponding wards for a questionnaire survey on the daily management of refrigerators.Results A total of 223 specimens were collected,with 142 microbial positive specimens and a positive rate of 63.68%.A total of 247 bacterial strains were detected,including 41.30%(n=102)Gram-positive bacteria,10.93%(n=27)Gram-negative bacteria,and 47.77%(n=118)fungi.Two strains of multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa from the bottom and drainage tank of the same refrigerator from class-Ⅲ environment were detected,with a detection of multidrug-resistant organisms being 0.90%(2/223).The fre-quency and methods of routine cleaning and disinfection of refrigerators varied among different wards.Conclusion There are deficiencies in the cleaning and disinfection management of refrigerators in ward treatment rooms of medi-cal institutions.More attention should be paid to the cleaning and disinfection of refrigerators in wards.The health-care-associated infection management departments should strengthen corresponding supervision and management.


南京医科大学第一附属医院(江苏省人民医院)感染管理处,江苏 南京 210029||靖江市中医院感染管理科,江苏泰州 214500新沂市人民医院感染管理科,江苏 徐州 221400南京医科大学第一附属医院(江苏省人民医院)感染管理处,江苏 南京 210029南京医科大学第一附属医院(江苏省人民医院)检验学部,江苏南京 210029



refrigeratortreatment roommicrobial contaminationmultidrug-resistant organism

《中国感染控制杂志》 2024 (001)

72-77 / 6


