

Key technology analysis and research progress of high-power narrow linewidth fiber laser based on the multi-longitudinal-mode oscillator seed source


基于多纵模振荡种子源的窄线宽光纤激光器具有光路简单、结构紧凑、可靠性高、成本低等特点,在实际工程应用以及在空间受限的载荷平台上有着显著优势,是高功率光谱合成的理想子束模块.受自脉冲效应的影响,多纵模振荡种子源的时域特性较差,导致放大过程中会产生较强的光谱展宽与受激拉曼散射效应.这限制了其输出功率的进一步提升并降低了其光谱纯度.本文首先介绍了 4种常见的窄线宽种子源,并重点分析了多纵模振荡种子源中自脉冲效应产生的机理及抑制方法,对优化多纵模振荡种子源和放大器的关键技术进行了详细介绍,归纳总结了近几年的技术突破与研究成果,对未来的发展方向进行了展望分析.本文研究对基于多纵模振荡种子源的窄线宽激光器的功率提升和光谱优化提供一定思路.

Narrow linewidth fiber lasers,based on the multi-longitudinal-mode oscillator seed source,have obvious advantages in engineering applications and space-limited loading platforms.Additionally,they are considered ideal sub-modules for high-power spectral combinations.The time domain of this type of seed is unstable due to the self-pulse effect,causing significant spectral broadening and stimulated Raman scattering effects during the amplification process,which limits their further improvement in output power and affects the purity of laser spectra.In this paper,we introduce four commonly used narrow linewidth seeds.The mechanism and suppression methods of the self-pulse effect in multi-longitudinal mode oscillator seeds are analyzed.Critical technologies essential for the optimization and relevant progress of the multi-longitudinal-mode oscillator seed source and amplifier stages are discussed in detail.A future development outlook is also presented.This paper serves as a useful reference for the design of narrow linewidth fiber lasers based on the multi-longitudinal-mode oscillator seed source.


北京航天控制仪器研究所,北京 100094



Narrow linewidthfiber lasermulti-longitudinal-mode oscillator seedself-pulse effectcom-plex oscillator cavity

《中国光学(中英文)》 2024 (001)


38-51 / 14

国家自然科学基金(No.U20B2058)Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.U20B2058)

