

The ship design and resistance performance estimation of high-speed planning tunnel catamaran


[目的]槽道双体艇是一种中部贯通含有两个滑行片体的特殊滑行艇船型,中部槽道受到气旋抬升作用能使艇体脱离水面达到更高的航速,具有良好的快速性,同时在高速航行时能很快进入稳定状态.针对高速槽道双体艇的艇型参数化设计与阻力性能评估对于高性能船舶的船型开发与设计具有重要意义.[方法]采用clamped B样条曲线定义槽道双体艇的主要型线进行艇体船型参数化构型,并通过STAR-CCM+软件设置多船型方案对比,研究双体艇槽道尺寸和斜升角大小对艇体阻力性能的影响.[结果]得到比初始设计船型阻力降低 17.3%的优选船型方案.[结论]与同尺度同排水量单体滑行艇对比,结果证明,在中高速工况下,本文所研究的高速槽道双体艇具有更加优良的航行性能.

[Objectives]The tunnel catamaran is a special type of planing craft with two planing bodies con-nected in the middle channel.The central channel is lifted by a cyclone which can lift the hull off the surface of the water to achieve a higher speed.It has good rapidity and can quickly enter a stable state during high-speed navigation.The parametric design and resistance performance estimation of a high-speed planing tunnel catamaran play important roles in the development and design of catamarans.[Methods]The parameterized configuration of the hull is carried out by defining the main lines of the planing tunnel catamaran hull with a clamped B-spline curve.The influence of the channel size and deadrise angle of the catamaran on its hull res-istance performance is then studied by setting multiple hull designs in STAR-CCM+.[Results]An optim-ized hull design is obtained with 17.3%resistance reduction compared with the original.[Conclusions]Compared with a planing hull of the same scale and displacement,this study proves that a high-speed planing tunnel catamaran has superior sailing performance under medium and high-speed working conditions.


武汉理工大学 船海与能源动力工程学院,湖北 武汉 430063中国舰船研究设计中心,上海 201108



planing tunnel catamaranparametric designship selectioncomputational fluid dynamics(CFD)

《中国舰船研究》 2024 (0z1)

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