

Identification of Subgroups A,B and J Avian Leukosis Virus Co-infection and Sequence Analysis of gp85 Gene


[目的]了解湖北地区禽白血病病毒(Avian leukosis virus,ALV)亚群之间混合感染及其gp85基因遗传变异情况,为进一步研究ALV混合感染的流行病学提供参考.[方法]对来自湖北宜昌疑似感染ALV的一只病死鸡进行病理剖检,无菌采集病变组织接种DF-1细胞进行病毒分离,通过PCR、ELISA及间接免疫荧光试验(IFA)等方法进行亚群鉴定,进一步对分离株gp85基因的相似性和变异情况进行分析.[结果]剖检结果可见病死鸡肾脏、脾脏肿大,肺脏出血,表面可见灰白色肿瘤结节;组织匀浆接种DF-1细胞后,ELISA检测发现细胞上清P27抗原呈阳性;IFA检测发现,感染细胞里有特异性绿色荧光;PCR鉴定能同时扩增出A(692 bp)、B(847 bp)和J(545 bp)亚群的特异性条带.鉴定结果表明,从该病死鸡中分离到A、B和J亚群ALV毒株,分别命名为HBYC2022-A、HBYC2022-B和HBYC2022-J.分离株gp85基因核苷酸相似性分析显示,HBYC2022-A与江苏株JS-A1201相似性最高,为99.6%;HBYC2022-B与江苏株JS-B1204相似性最高,为99.7%;而HBYC2022-J与黑龙江株PK19FA01、广西株GX20YL12 J及安徽株AHaq02相似性均为100%.此外,分离株gp85基因高突变区域(hr1、hr2)氨基酸序列并未出现特殊点突变.[结论]鸡群存在A、B和J不同亚群ALV的混合感染情况,提示国内养禽场需提高警惕并加强针对ALV各亚群的流行病学调查.

[Objective]The aim of this study was to investigate the mixed infection of Avian leukosis virus(ALV)subgroups and the genetic variation of gp85 gene in Hubei province,and provide reference for further study on the epidemiology of mixed infection of ALV.[Method]A dead chicken suspected of ALV infection from Yichang,Hubei province was subjected to pathological autopsy,and the diseased tissue was asepsis collected and inoculated with DF-1 cells for virus isolation.The subgroups were identified by PCR,ELISA and indirect immunofluorescence assay(IFA),and the similarity and variation of gp85 gene of isolates were further analyzed.[Result]The autopsy results showed that the kidneys and spleen of the dead chickens were swollen,with lung bleeding,and gray white tumor nodules were visible on the surface.After the tissue homogenates were inoculated into DF-1 cells,the cell supernatant was positive for P27 antigen by ELISA,and specific green fluorescence was detected in the infected cells by IFA.The specific bands of subgroups A(692 bp),B(847 bp)and J(545 bp)could be amplified simultaneously by PCR.The results of identification showed that the natural mixed strains of ALV of subgroups A,B and J were isolated from the dead chicken,which were named as HBYC2022-A,HBYC2022-B and HBYC2022-J,respectively.HBYC2022-A shared 99.6%nucleotide identity with JS-A1201 strain in Jiangsu province.HBYC2022-B shared 99.7%similarity with JS-B1204 strain.HBYC2022-J shared 100%identity with Heilongjiang strain PK19FA01,Guangxi strain GX20YL12 J and Anhui strain AHaq02.In addition,there were no special point mutations in the amino acid sequences of the gp85 highly mutated regions(hr1 and hr2).[Conclusion]There was mixed infection of different ALV subgroups A,B,and J in chicken flocks,suggesting that the domestic poultry farms should be vigilant and the epidemiological investigation of ALV subgroups should be strengthened.


河北工程大学生命科学与食品工程学院动物医学系,邯郸 056038||湖北省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所,农业农村部畜禽细菌病防治制剂创制重点实验室,畜禽病原微生物学湖北省重点实验室,武汉 430064湖北省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所,农业农村部畜禽细菌病防治制剂创制重点实验室,畜禽病原微生物学湖北省重点实验室,武汉 430064||湖北洪山实验室,武汉 430070河北工程大学生命科学与食品工程学院动物医学系,邯郸 056038



Avian leukosis virus(ALV)isolation and identificationmixed infectiongp85 genesequence analysis

《中国畜牧兽医》 2024 (001)

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