

Research Progress on the Interaction Between Intestinal Parasites and Intestinal Microorganisms



In the intestines of vertebrates,there are a large number of structurally diverse and dynamically changing microbiota,which play important roles in the physiology,metabolism,and immunity of the intestine.Under natural conditions,these microorganisms and eukaryotes(such as worms,protozoa,fungi,etc)co-exist in the vertebrate intestine.Both parasites and microbiota can significantly alter the intestinal physiology and immune environment,creating opportunities for interaction between them.The interaction between gut microbes and parasites can greatly affect the outcome of infection,which in turn has important implications for host health.For example,parasitic infections affect host-microbial interactions to promote or protect the host from bacteria.On the other hand,the flora affects the colonization,reproduction and toxicity of the parasite,causing it to develop along the survival pattern of parasitic-reciprocal symbiosis with the host.The mechanism and results of these interactions are frontier topics in the cross-research between microbiology and parasitology.This article summarizes the latest research results on the interaction between intestinal parasites and intestinal microbiota in recent years,and puts forward its own views on factors that may not be taken into account,aiming to provide reference for the prevention and control of intestinal parasitic diseases and the study of intestinal microbiota.


内蒙古农业大学兽医学院,农业农村部动物疾病临床诊疗技术重点实验室,国家级动物医学实验教学中心,呼和浩特 010018乌审旗动物疫病预防控制中心,鄂尔多斯 017300



intestinal parasitesintestinal microorganismsinteraction

《中国畜牧兽医》 2024 (001)

330-337 / 8


