

Research on the focus of ethical governance in the field of artificial intelligence in medicine


目的 探讨医学人工智能领域伦理治理的重点.方法 通过综合查阅相关文献,比较中外医学人工智能领域相关法律法规,分析潜在伦理问题的治理重点,并提出相应的治理策略.结果 目前中国医学人工智能领域相关法律法规和监管体系有待完善,伦理治理的重点应着眼于保护隐私权、保障算法的透明与公正、厘清责任界定和分配、明确公众认知和态度等核心问题.结论 政府和社会各界应积极借鉴国际立法经验,通过加强顶层设计、健全政策法规、重视公众反馈、强化跨学科合作,从政策制定、法律框架、科学研究和技术研发等方面构建一个全方位、多层次的伦理治理体系.

Objective:To explore the focus of ethical governance in the field of artificial intelligence(Al)in medicine.Methods:By comprehensively reviewing relevant literature to compare the relevant laws and regulations of the field of AI in medicine between China and foreign countries,analyze the governance focus of potential ethical issues,and propose the corresponding governance strategies.Results:At present,the laws,regulations,and regulatory systems related to the field of AI in medicine in China need to be improved.The emphasis of ethical governance should focus on core issues such as protecting privacy rights,ensuring the transparency and fairness of algorithms,clarifying the demarcation and allocation of responsibilities,and clarifying public perceptions and attitudes.Conclusion:The government and all sectors of society should actively learn from international legislative experience,and build an omnidirectional and multi-level ethical governance system from the aspects of policy formulation,legal framework,scientific research,and technological research and development by strengthening top-level design,improving policies and regulations,attaching importance to public feedback,and strengthening interdisciplinary cooperation.


上海交通大学医学院公共卫生学院,上海 200025||上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院,上海 200127上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院,上海 200127||上海交通大学医学院公共卫生学院,上海 200025


artificial intelligence in medicineethical principleethical governancesupervision system

《中国医学伦理学》 2024 (001)

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