

Prediction of olfactory perception based on simulation of olfactory receptor activation relationships



The interaction between odor molecules and olfactory receptors is a crucial step in olfactory perception and holds significant importance in unraveling the mechanism of olfactory perception.How-ever,obtaining experimental results on the activation relationship between odor molecules and human olfactory receptors is time-consuming and labor-intensive,and the available data on activation relation-ships is currently insufficient to support intelligent olfactory perception research.Therefore,this study constructed a network of olfactory receptor protein relationships and extracted features to train a model for predicting the activation relationship between odor molecules and olfactory receptors.By integrating the features of odor molecules and the simulated activation relationship of olfactory receptor proteins in olfactory perception prediction,high-precision regression prediction of human olfactory perception was achieved.Experimental results showed that the correlation coefficient of human olfactory percep-tion prediction fused with odor molecule-olfactory receptor activation relationship reached 0.94,signifi-cantly outperforming existing olfactory perception prediction models.Additionally,the study summa-rized the odor molecule-olfactory receptor activation-olfactory perception pattern,enriching our under-standing of the mechanism of smell perception.This study introduced observable features of olfactory receptor activation mechanisms into olfactory perception prediction,providing new insights for further exploration and understanding of the mechanism of olfactory perception.


北京工商大学农产品质量安全追溯技术及应用国家工程研究中心,北京 100048北京市房山区教师进修学校,北京 102401



molecular feature extractionprotein feature extractionolfactory receptor activation predictionolfactory perception predictiongraph convolutionmachine learning

《中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文)》 2024 (001)

86-95 / 10


