

Lightweight privacy protection scheme for cloud audit



In the context of the explosive growth of big data,the emergence of cloud storage services has significantly facilitated user data storage.The on-demand nature of cloud servers further contributes to their widespread popularity.However,this convenience comes at the expense of direct user control over data stored in the cloud,exposing it to potential damage from various uncertain factors.This brings great challenges to the advancement of cloud storage.To address these challenges,a data auditing scheme is proposed,emphasizing lightweight calculation and verification.This solution streamlines the user's label calculation operation before uploading data,ensuring data security during the upload process.This approach concurrently reduces the calculation tasks of both the cloud server and the auditor,minimizing overall calculation overhead.To protect user data privacy,the scheme incorporates scrambling encryption inspired by image encryption.This enables users to use random functions to scramble the data block's location,while still allowing the auditor to calculate the actual data block location for successful auditing.The results show that the proposed solution effectively saves computing resources for users,servers,and auditors during the audit process,thereby improving overall process efficiency.


重庆市信息通信咨询设计院有限公司,重庆 400041中国中医科学院 西苑医院信息中心,北京 100091重庆大学 大数据与软件学院,重庆 401331



data auditcloud serverprivacy protectionscrambling encryptionrandom function

《重庆大学学报》 2024 (002)

75-83 / 9

国家重点研发计划资助项目(2022YFB3402003);重庆市技术创新与应用发展专项重点资助项目(CSTB2022TIAD-KPX0054);贵州省交通运输厅科技资助项目(2015121024).Supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFB3402003),Special Key Program for Technological Innovation and Application Development of Chongqing(CSTB2022TIAD-KPX0054)and the Scientific Project of Guizhou Transportation Department(2015121024).

