

Source analysis and health risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric PM2.5 in a district of Taizhou City from 2019 to 2021


[背景]多环芳烃(PAHs)作为细颗粒物(PM2.5)的主要成分之一,对环境空气质量有一定影响,长期暴露对人群健康有潜在健康风险. [目的]探究 2019-2021年泰州市某区大气PM2.5 中PAHs的分布特征及来源,评估PAHs经吸入途径对人群的健康风险. [方法]2019-2021年每月 10~16日连续 7 d在泰州市某区国控点A楼楼顶进行空气PM2.5采样,采样时间为 24 h·d-1,采样流速为 100 L·min-1,称重法计算PM2.5 质量浓度(简称浓度),超声萃取-液相色谱法测定 16种PAHs,Kruskal-Wallis H检验比较不同年份及季节PAHs浓度分布特征,采用特征比值法和主成分分析(PCA)法解析其来源,采用终生致癌风险(ILCR)模型对PAHs进行健康风险评估. [结果]2019-2021年泰州市某区大气PM2.5 中∑PAHs年均浓度M(P25,P75)分别为 6.52(2.46,10.59)、8.52(4.56,12.29)和3.72(1.51,7.11)ng·m-3,苯并[a]芘(BaP)超标率(标准为1 ng·m-3)分别 27.38%(23/84)、47.62%(40/84)、19.04%(16/84),二者均呈现 2020年>2019年>2021年(P<0.001,P<0.05).∑PAHs浓度分布具有季节差异,均冬季最高,夏季最低(P<0.05).大气PM2.5 中 5环PAHs占比最高,2~3环PAHs占比最低,2~4环PAHs呈逐年上升趋势,5~6环PAHs呈逐年下降趋势(P<0.05).特征比值及主成分分析结果提示,PAHs来源主要为扬尘、化石燃料(天然气)、煤炭燃烧、工业排放及机动车尾气排放等混合源.不同人群(男性,女性和儿童)经吸入途径暴露PAHs的终生致癌风险(RILCR)分别为 1.83×10-6、2.35×10-6、2.04×10-6,年平均RILCR为2.07×10-6,均大于1×10-6. [结论]泰州市某区大气PM2.5 中PAHs污染来源主要有扬尘、化石燃料(天然气)、煤等燃烧、工业排放及机动车排放等,PAHs对人群健康可能存在潜在致癌风险.

[Background]Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs),one of the main components of fine par-ticulate matter(PM2.5),have a certain impact on ambient air quality,and long-term exposure to PAHs may pose potential health risks to human beings. [Objective]To identify the distribution characteristics and sources of PAHs in atmospheric PM2.5 in a district of Taizhou City from 2019 to 2021,and to evaluate the health risks of PAHs to the population in the area through the inhalation pathway. [Methods]From 2019 to 2021,air PM2.5 sampling was carried out at a state-controlled surveillance point in a district of Taizhou City for 7 consecutive days on the 10th-16th of each month,the sampling time was 24 h·d-1,and the sampling flow rate was 100 L·min-1.PM2.5 mass concentration was calculated by gravimetric method.A total of 16 PAHs were determined by ultrasonic extrac-tion-liquid chromatography.Kruskal-Wallis H test was used to compare the distribution charac teristics of PAHs concentrations by years and seasons,characteristic ratio and principal component analysis(PCA)was used to analyze their sources,and a lifetime carcinogenic risk(ILCR)model was used to assess the health risk of PAHs. [Results]From 2019 to 2021,the annual average concentrations[M(P25,P75)]of ∑PAHs in atmospheric PM2.5 in the selected district of Taizhou City were 6.52(2.46,10.59),8.52(4.56,12.29),and 3.72(1.51,7.11)ng·m-3,respectively,and the annual benzo[a]pyrene(BaP)excess rates(national limit:1 ng·m-3)were 27.38%(23/84),47.62%(40/84),and 19.04%(16/84),respectively,both presenting 2020>2019>2021(P<0.001,P<0.05).The ∑PAHs concentration distribution showed a seasonal variation,with the highest value in winter and the lowest value in summer(P<0.05).Among the atmospheric PM2.5 samples,the proportion of 5-ring PAHs was the highest,the proportion of 2-3-ring PAHs was the lowest;the proportion of 2-4-ring PAHs showed a yearly upward trend,and the proportion of 5-6-ring PAHs showed yearly downward trend(P<0.05).The characteristic ratio and PCA results suggested that the sources of sampled PAHs were mainly mixed sources such as dust,fossil fuel(natural gas),coal combustion,industrial emissions,and motor vehicle exhaust emis-sions.The ILCR(RILCR)of PAHs by inhalation for men,women,and children were 1.83×10-6,2.35×10-6,and 2.04×10-6,respectively,and the annual average RILCR was 2.07×10-6,all greater than 1×10-6. [Conclusion]For the sampled time period,the main sources of PAHs pollution in atmospheric PM2.5 in the target district of Taizhou City are dust,fossil fuel(natural gas),coal combustion,industrial emissions,motor vehicle emissions,etc.,and PAHs may have a potential car-cinogenic risk to local residents.


泰州市疾病预防控制中心,江苏 泰州 225300



fine particulate matterpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonspollution characteristichealth risk assessmentsource analysis

《环境与职业医学》 2024 (001)

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国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(81803201) This study was funded.

