

Key technologies for integration of coalbed methane geology and engineering in southern Qinshui Basin


沁水盆地南部煤层气资源丰富,但地质、工程条件复杂,樊庄成熟工艺技术推广邻区适应性较差,煤层气规模效益开发面临严峻挑战.为了解决沁水盆地南部煤层气"井位部署难度大、钻井周期长、裸眼井井眼易垮塌、单井产量低"等问题,开展了地质工程一体化技术攻关,形成了"三性"煤储层评价、可控水平井钻完井、分段压裂及疏导式排采等多项关键技术,并开展现场试验与推广.研究结果表明:通过地质与工程有机结合,实现了地质模型为工程技术优化提供技术支撑,工程实践不断校正地质模型,施工精度提高;水平井煤层钻遇率 95%,单井钻井复杂平均减少 40%,产能到位率达 90%,单井平均日产量超过 8 000 m3.

The southern Qinshui Basin is rich in coalbed methane resources,but the geological and engineering conditions are com-plex,the adaptability of Fanzhuang mature technology popularization in neighboring areas is poor,and the development of coalbed methane scale benefits faces severe challenges.In order to solve the problems of coalbed methane in the southern Qinshui Basin,such as"difficult well location deployment,long drilling cycle,easy collapse of naked eye wells,and low single well production",a number of key technologies such as integrated geological engineering technology have been carried out,and a number of key techno-logies have been formed,such as"three properties"coal reservoir evaluation,controllable horizontal well drilling and completion,segmented fracturing,and dredging-type drainage,and field tests and promotion have been carried out.The research results show that through the organic combination of geology and engineering,the geological model provides technical support for engineering tech-nology optimization,and engineering practice continuously corrects the geological model to improve the accuracy;the coal seam drilling rate of horizontal well is 95%,the drilling complexity of single well is reduced by 40%on average,the production capacity reaches 90%,and the average daily production of single well is more than 8 000 m3.


中国石油天然气股份有限公司 山西煤层气勘探开发分公司,山西 长治 046000



coalbed methaneintegration of geology and engineeringcontrollable horizontal wellsgeosteeringcoal reservoir eval-uation

《煤矿安全》 2024 (002)

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