

Uplifting and exhumation history in Southern Qiangtang Depression of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau since Cretaceous:


为了重建青藏高原的形成过程和评价羌塘盆地油气的保存条件,对南羌塘坳陷隆升剥蚀历史进行了研究.利用锆石和磷灰石(U-Th)/He和磷灰石裂变径迹技术,对南羌塘坳陷中部嘎尔敖包地区的侏罗系砂岩样品进行了分析,数据显示大部分颗粒经历完全退火阶段;基于实验数据对盆地热史进行反演,并结合区域低温热年代学研究,认为南羌塘坳陷共经历了 3 期隆升剥蚀历史,即早白垩世、古新世—始新世和中新世以来,分别造成了南羌塘坳陷中部地区 1.7~2.6 km、1.89 km和 1.13 km的剥蚀量.热历史结果显示,早白垩世南羌塘坳陷中部地区首先遭受剥蚀,随后剥蚀逐渐向南、北两侧传递.南羌塘坳陷第一期冷却历史可能受到羌塘地体和拉萨地体碰撞的影响;第二期冷却历史可能受到印度—亚洲大陆碰撞的影响;第三期冷却历史可能与印度—亚洲大陆持续会聚下羌塘盆地发育大量近南北向断层有关.南羌塘坳陷中部地区位于不同构造位置的样品的热历史显示,其经历了不同的剥蚀过程,这可能受到印度—亚洲大陆的碰撞和随后持续会聚造成的区域性近南北向断裂差异性活动的影响.基于不同构造位置样品热历史的差异性,认为区域性南北向断裂开始活动时间为 65~45 Ma.

The uplifting and exhumation history of the Southern Qiangtang Depression was studied for reconstructing the evolution of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and evaluating the oil-gas preservation conditions in the Qiangtang Basin.Samples of Jurassic sandstone from Gaeraobao area in the center of Southern Qiangtang Depression were analyzed using zircon and apatite(U-Th)/He and apatite fission track(AFT)techniques,and the data showed that most grains experienced a full annealing phase.Based on the inversion of the thermal history of the basin from the experimental data and combined with the study of regional low temperature thermochronology,it is believed that the Southern Qiangtang Depression has experienced three major uplifting and exhumation episodes:the Early Cretaceous,the Paleocene-Eocene and since the Miocene,and experienced exhumations of 1.7-2.6 km,1.89 km,and 1.13 km,respectively in the center of Southern Qiangtang Depression.And the thermal history showed that the center of Southern Qiangtang Depression suffered exhumation first in the Early Cretaceous,and then the denudation gradually spread to the north and south.The three episodes correspond to the collision between Qiangtang and Lhasa terranes,the collision between Indian and Asian plates and the movement of N-S strike fault under the continuous convergence of the Indian and Asian continents,respectively.The thermal history of samples at different tectonic locations in the Southern Qian-gtang Depression showed that they have undergone different exhumation processes,which may have been con-trolled by the different activity of regional N-S faults caused by the collision between Indian and Asian plates and its subsequent continued convergence.Based on the differences of thermal histories of the samples at different tectonic locations,it suggested that the regional N-S faults activated since 65-45 Ma.


中国石化 石油勘探开发研究院 无锡石油地质研究所,江苏 无锡 214126中国石油化工股份有限公司,北京 100728



zircon and apatite(U-Th)/Heapatite fission tracklow-temperature thermochronologyuplifting and exhumation historytectonic evolutionSouthern Qiangtang DepressionQiangtang Basin

《石油实验地质》 2024 (001)

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