

Analysis of Spatiotemporal Distribution Characteristics of Red Tide in Fujian Sea Area from 2017 to 2021 Based on nFLH


赤潮发生时不仅会对海洋水体、海洋生物、渔业等造成严重的危害,还会通过食物链威胁人类的健康.通过MODIS遥感影像进行分析,在SeaDas中利用OCCSW组件计算nFLH进行赤潮监测验证,并对福建省沿海区域2017-2021 年间发生的 33 起赤潮灾害进行综合分析,系统分析了福建沿海赤潮生物种类、时空分布特征和演变规律.结果表明,2017-2021 年间赤潮持续时间为 173 天,影响总面积为 307.74 平方千米.福建省近五年的时空分布特征总结,可为赤潮监测预警、防灾减灾提供参考.

When red tides occur,they not only cause serious harm to marine water bodies,marine organisms,fisheries,etc.,but also threaten human health through the food chain.An analysis is conductedthrough MODIS remote sensing images,the OCCSW component is used to calculate nFLH for red tide monitoring and verification in SeaDas.A comprehensive analysis is conducted on 33 red tide disasters that occurred in the coastal areas of Fujian Province from 2017 to 2021.The species,spatiotemporal distribution characteristics,and evolution patterns of red tide organisms in the coastal areas of Fujian Province are systematically analyzed.The results indicate that the duration of red tide from 2017 to 2021 is 173 days,affecting a total area of 307.74 square kilometers.The summary of the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of Fujian Province in the past five years can provide reference for red tide monitoring and warning,disaster prevention and mitigation.


内蒙古自治区测绘地理信息中心,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010050长江大学 地球科学学院,湖北 武汉 430100中国矿业大学(北京) 地球科学与测绘工程学院,北京 100083



red tidenFLHspatiotemporal distribution characteristics

《现代信息科技》 2024 (002)

32-36,40 / 6

