

Research Progress of Ruminant Microbial Culturomics


瘤胃微生物被称为反刍动物的"隐藏器官",与宿主营养物质的获取和生理健康的维持密切相关;目前宏基因组测序发现瘤胃中超过5 800个基因组,然而超过90%的微生物尚未被培养,处于"生物信息黑箱"[11中.培养组学是一种采用多种培养条件,结合高通量测序技术鉴定菌种的培养方法.高通量、并行化的培养组学技术在瘤胃微生物中的应用,为在菌株水平上研究重点菌株功能及其与宿主互作关系提供了新的视角.然而,目前培养组学运用于瘤胃微生物的研究仍然较少,尚处于起步阶段.本文从瘤胃微生物特点、培养组学技术及其在瘤胃微生物培养中的应用现状、面临挑战等方面进行综述,为不断优化、规范化培养组学研究方案、拓展瘤胃可培养菌株资源、加快瘤胃生物信息黑箱的破解提供思考.

Rumen microorganisms are known as the"hidden organs"of ruminants,closely involved in the acquisition of host nutrients and the maintenance of physiological health;To date,metagenomic sequencing has identified nearly 5 800 genomes in the rumen,but more than 90%of the microorganisms have not been cultured and remain in the"biological information black box"[1].Culturomics is a culture method that uses multiple culture conditions combined with high-throughput sequencing technology to identify strains.The application of high-throughput and parallel culturomics techniques to rumen microorganisms provides a new perspective for studying the function of key strains and their interactions with the host at the strain level.At present,however,research into the application of culturomics to rumen microorganisms is still limited and at an early stage.In this review,the characteristics of rumen microorganisms,culturomics technology and its application status in rumen microbial culture,as well as the challenges faced,have been reviewed to provide ideas for continuously optimizing and standardizing culturomics research programs,expanding the cultivable strain resources in the rumen,and accelerating the cracking of the rumen biological information black box.


中国农业科学院饲料研究所农业农村部饲料生物技术重点实验室,北京 100081




《畜牧兽医学报》 2024 (001)

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