

Research on the meat characteristics of Hainan yellow cattle


为研究海南黄牛的肉质特性,共采集10 头海南黄牛的 12~13 肋骨间背最长肌,测定其剪切力、滴水损失率、解冻失水率、pH值、水分含量、灰分含量、粗蛋白含量、粗脂肪含量、氨基酸含量和脂肪酸含量.结果显示:海南黄牛肌肉剪切力为(41.54±15.82)N,解冻失水率为(2.82±0.10)%,滴水损失率为(2.29±0.48)%,pH45min值和 pH24 h值分别为 6.86±0.33 和 6.27±0.38;海南黄牛肌肉水分含量为(73.92±1.33)%,灰分含量为(1.12±0.08)%,粗蛋白含量为(23.66±1.16)%,粗脂肪含量仅为(1.12±0.20)%.海南黄牛肌肉中共检测到 16 种氨基酸,每100 g母牛肉含必需氨基酸(9.84±0.32)g,每100 g公牛肉含必需氨基酸(9.38±0.21)g,非必需氨基酸中谷氨酸含量最高.海南黄牛肌肉中共测得 15 种脂肪酸,月桂酸仅在公牛上测得,棕榈酸、硬脂酸和油酸是主要脂肪酸组成,其中油酸占比最高,母牛肉中油酸含量约为34.03%,公牛约为 27.46%.海南黄牛肉鲜嫩且富含蛋白质,氨基酸与脂肪酸组成丰富,具有较强的系水能力,营养价值较高.

To study the meat quality characteristics of Hainan yellow cattle,the samples of the longissimus dorsi muscle between the 12th and 13th ribs of ten Hainan yellow cattle were collected to measure their shear force,drip loss,thawing loss,pH value,moisture content,ash content,crude protein content,crude fat content,amino acid content,and fatty acid content.The results showed that the shear force value of the muscle of the Hainan yellow cattle was(41.54±15.82)N.The thawing loss was(2.82±0.10)%.The drip loss was(2.29±0.48)%.The pH values at45 min and24 h were6.86±0.33 and6.27±0.38,separately.The moisture content of the muscle was(73.92±1.33)%,the ash content was(1.12±0.08)%,and the protein content was(23.66±1.16)%.However,the crude fat content was only(1.12±0.20)%.Atotal of 16 kinds of amino acids were detected in the Hainan yellow cattle muscle.The content of essential amino acids was(9.84±0.32)g in 100 g female Hainan yellow cattle muscle,while the content of essential amino acids in 100 g male Hainan yellow cattle muscle was(9.38±0.21)g.Among the non-essential amino acids,the glutamic acid content was the highest.A total of 15 kinds of fatty acids were detected,and lauric acid was found only in the muscle sample of the male Hainan yellow cattle.Palmitic acid,stearic acid,and oleic acid were the main fatty acid components,with oleic acid occupying the highest proportion(34.03%in females and 27.46%in males).In general,Hainan yellow cattle meat is tender and rich in protein content and in compositions of fatty acids and amino acids,and is of stron-ger water-holding capacity,which makes the beef more nutritionally valuable.


海南大学热带农林学院, 海南 海口 570228



Hainan yellow cattlemeat characteristicsnutritional componentsamino acidsfatty acids

《畜牧与兽医》 2024 (002)

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