

Preparation and properties of bio-based poly(urea-amide)s


采用一锅两步法熔融缩聚合成了高强高韧的生物基聚脲酰胺(PUA)材料.在无催化剂及无溶剂的条件下,先将尿素与1,10-癸二胺反应合成新型生物基单体二(氨基十亚甲基)脲(DADU),并进一步与1,10-癸二酸(DA10)、1,12-十二碳二酸(DA12)或二聚酸(DmA)熔融缩聚制备了一系列高性能PUA.核磁共振氢谱和傅里叶变换红外光谱证明了PUA的链结构,由体积排阻色谱得出PUA的分子量为12~13 kg/mol.PUA可热压成型,并展现了良好的力学性能,拉伸强度和断裂伸长率分别为25~45 MPa和400%~700%.其中PUA-DA10的拉伸强度达到聚酰胺1010(PA1010)的水平,但断裂伸长率是PA1010的2倍以上,可见其韧性远超于PA1010.PUA-DmA的断裂伸长率不亚于PA-DmA,但是其拉伸强度高于PA-DmA,体现出更高的强度和韧性.本研究证实将脲基引入聚酰胺(PA)得到的PUA可以提高材料的力学性能,该方法十分适合生物基聚酰胺的性能改进和多样化设计与应用.

A series of bio-based poly(urea-amide)s(PUAs)with high strength and high toughness were synthesized through a one-pot method using urea,1,10-decanediamine,and diacids as raw materials without any catalyst or any sol-vent.Di(aminodecyl)urea was first synthesized via urea ammonolysis with 1,10-decanediamine and then polymerized with different diacids such as 1,10-decanedioic acid(DA10),1,12-dodecanedioic acid,and dimer acid(DmA).The chemical structures of the as-synthesized PUAs were confirmed by 1H-NMR and FTIR spectroscopy,and their Mn's are about 12~13 kg/mol.The PUAs are processible with tensile strength of 25~45 MPa and elongation at break of 400%~700%.The strain at break value of PUA-DA10 is approximately twice as much as PA1010,whereas these two materi-als exhibit similar tensile strength.The strain at break of PUA-DmA is higher than that of PA-DmA,but they show simi-lar tensile strength.The introduction of urea groups into the backbones of polyamides can improve their performance.This simple synthetic method is quite suitable for enhancing the performance of bio-based polyamide as well as for their diverse design and applications.


华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院,广州 510640



poly(urea-amide)sbio-based polymerthermoplastic polymerurea

《中国塑料》 2024 (001)

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