

Construction of a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan for stroke diseases and patterns based on the holistic view of traditional Chinese medicine



The disease-pattern combination is a diagnostic and treatment model that guides individualized treatment from the holistic view of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).The construction of a compre-hensive diagnosis and treatment plan that integrates"disease-core pathogenesis-key TCM patterns-series of prescriptions",is a highly consensus clinical diagnosis,treatment and research paradigm based on more than 30 years of research result and practical experience in the prevention and treatment of stroke with TCM,which covers the understanding of the core pathogenesis from the pathological characteristics of the disease,grasps the key TCM patterns and their change patterns that closely affect the prognosis,provides effective series of prescriptions,and achieves complete unity of theory,treatment,prescription and medication.This article mainly elaborates on the patterns differentiation thinking process of"disease-pathogenesis-syndrome-treatment"from the aspects of disease-syndrome correlation,patterns diagnosis,innovative pathogenesis,as well as systematic differentiation and treatment plan,early general treatment plan,Chinese and western medicine integration plan,etc.The key points of the newly released relevant expert consensus and guidelines are explained to improve the practical ability and diagnosis and treatment level of clinicians in the prevention and treatment of stroke with TCM.


北京中医药大学中医脑病研究院 北京 100700||北京中医药大学东直门医院



disease-pattern combinationstrokediagnosis and treatment planguideline

《北京中医药大学学报》 2024 (001)

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国家重点研发计划项目(No.2022YFC3501100)National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2022YFC3501100)

