

Traditional Chinese medicine pathogenesis of qi and blood in migraine based on homeostasis of the neurovascular unit



Migraine is a chronic episodic neurovascular disease with a distinct"episode-remission"feature.According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine,migraine belongs to the class of diseases including"Toutong"and"Toufeng".Disorder of qi and blood,especially blood stasis due to qi deficiency,lie at the basis of migraine pathogenesis.The physiological function of the neurovascular unit is strongly related to qi and blood.Focusing on the neurovascular unit,this paper expounds the physiological basis of the theory of qi and blood from the perspective of microenvironment homeostatic disorder and the interaction of various cell components,and discusses the scientific connotation of the pathogenesis of qi and blood in migraine.Disordered homeostasis of the neurovascular unit is involved in the pathology of migraine and tallies with the pathogenesis of qi and blood in migraine,which is mainly reflected in dysfunction of astringing,defending,and transforming due to qi deficiency,as well as pathogenic toxin accumulation and blood stasis.The explanation based on homeostasis of the neurovascular unit due to qi and blood pathogenesis in migraine is helpful to understand the development of migraine integrally and to provide guidance for traditional Chinese medicine treatment and research of migraine from the theory of qi and blood.


北京中医药大学东直门医院 北京 100700||北京中医药大学中医脑病研究院首都医科大学附属北京中医医院



migraineneurovascular unittheory of qi and bloodpathogenesisblood stasis due to qi deficiency

《北京中医药大学学报》 2024 (001)

16-23 / 8

国家自然科学基金青年项目(No.82205031);北京中医药大学基本科研业务费项目(No.2021-JYB-XJSJJ062)National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.82205031)

