

Failure Analysis and Performance Comparison of Brazing Filler Metals for Induction Brazing Motor Rotor


为探明同一牌号不同厂家的钎料钎剂感应钎焊时在钎缝界面处出现大量气孔、夹杂导致产品失效的原因,对国产钎料和印度钎料的氧含量、微观组织、抗拉强度等进行对比分析,同时探究不同钎料钎剂组合对直角流铺、炉内润湿性及钎焊接头强度的影响.结果表明:国产钎料的平均抗拉强度为382.7 MPa,比印度钎料高3.8%;氧含量相对较高的印度钎料与原材料中的Ca、Fe、P等形成较多氧化物,导致钎料强度明显下降;国产钎料钎剂组合的平均润湿面积为286.96 mm2,比印度钎料钎剂的高36.7%;印度钎料钎剂钎焊时,在钎缝区域存在大量的含F、K的钎剂残留物及氧化夹渣,降低钎焊接头强度.因此,钎焊时不仅要选择洁净度高、流动性好、性能优的钎料,钎剂也至关重要,高活性、低残留、无污物的钎剂在保护钎料和基体加热过程中不被氧化的同时能促进钎料润湿流铺.

In order to investigate the reasons of product failure resulting from a lot of pores and inclusions at the interface of brazing joints during induction brazing motor rotors using the same grade filler metals produced by different manufacturers,the oxygen content,microstructure and tensile strength of domestic and Indian brazing materials were compared,and the ef-fects of different brazing materials combinations on wettability and brazing joint strength were investigated.The results showed that the average tensile strength of the domestic filler metal was 382.7 MPa,which was 3.8%higher than that of the Indian filler metal.The Indian filler metal with high oxygen content was more likely to form oxidation inclusions with Ca,Fe,P and other inclusion elements in the raw materials,resulting in a significant decrease in the strength of the filler metal.Furthermore,the average wetting area of domestic brazing materials was 286.96 mm2,which was 36.7%higher than that of Indian brazing materials.During brazing with Indian brazing materials,numerous residues containing F and K as well as oxi-dized slag were present in the braze zone,resulted reduced joint strength.Therefore,it was crucial not only to select clean filler metal with excellent fluidity and performance during brazing,but also consider choosing an appropriate flux exhibits high activity levels.


郑州机械研究所有限公司 新型钎焊材料与技术国家重点实验室,河南 郑州 450001



silver based brazing filler metalfluxoxygen contentmicrostructuretensile strength

《电焊机》 2024 (002)

110-115 / 6


