

Application Progress of Electrochemical Methods in Quality Control of Traditional Chinese Medicine



The quality control of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)is the core issue to ensure the modernization,industrialization and internationalization of TCM.Compared with other detection methods,electrochemical analysis method has many advantages such as high sensitivity,fast detection speed and low cost,making it an important means of quality control for TCM and having broad development prospects.This article reviewed the research progress of electrochemical methods in quality control of TCM in recent years,discussed the application of electrochemical fingerprinting technique in identification of TCM,and comprehensively summarized the application of electrochemical technology in analyzing effective components and harmful substances in TCM,including flavonoids,alkaloids,quinones,glycosides,heavy metals and pesticide residues.Finally,the development prospects of electrochemical methods in the field of quality control of TCM were discussed.

潘彦冰;Awais IHSAN;施敏;马雯雯;Ghulam MURTAZA;胡克菲;李竣;黄先菊;程寒

中南民族大学药学院,武汉 430074伊斯兰堡COMSATS大学生物科技学院,巴基斯坦萨希瓦尔伊斯兰堡COMSATS大学药学院,巴基斯坦拉合尔元莱健康产品(武汉)有限公司,武汉 430050中南民族大学药学院,武汉 430074||国家中医药管理局民族药学三级实验室,武汉 430074


Electrochemical methodFingerprintingTraditional Chinese medicineQuality controlReview

《分析化学》 2024 (001)

22-34 / 13

中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(No.CZH20002)、中国民族医药学会项目(No.2020MZ152-000389)、科技部外国专家项目(No.DL2023185001L)和中南民族大学"中药现代化传承与创新"科研团队项目(No.KTZ20054)资助. Supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China(No.CZH20002),the China Medical Association of Minorities(No.2020MZ152-000389),the Foreign Experts Project of Ministry of Science and Technology of China(No.DL2023185001L)and the Modern Transmission and Innovation Research Team of Traditional Chinese Medicine,South-Central Minzu University(No.KTZ20054).

