

Three-dimensional Printing of Inertial Microchannel with Complex Cross-section and Characterization of Particle Inertial Focusing


提出了基于面投影微立体光刻三维(3D)打印复杂组合形截面微流道的加工方法,结合3D打印和聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)倒模复刻技术研制了三阶梯和五阶梯两种截面的螺旋流道微流控芯片,流道尺寸精度可控制在20 μm以内.基于制备的微流控芯片,研究了10和6μm粒径的聚苯乙烯荧光粒子在阶梯形流道中的运动过程,结合仿真解析了阶梯形流道中微粒的惯性聚焦迁移机理.研究结果表明,在三阶梯流道中,10 μm粒子具有3个聚焦平衡位置,分别在3个阶梯的内壁面附近,并且绝大多数粒子聚焦在流道内壁面的阶梯内;6 μm粒子同样具有3个聚焦平衡位置,但在高流量时粒子会稳定聚焦在流道中心和外壁面的2个阶梯内.在五阶梯流道中,流量由低到高增加时,10 μm粒子的聚焦平衡位置由1个变为2个,并且聚焦平衡位置逐渐向流道内壁面迁移,而6μm粒子则在整个流量范围内均具有稳定的2个聚焦平衡位置.实验结果表明,改变组合形截面的结构可以改变流道截面中二次流旋涡的数量、形态和强度,进而调控粒子的惯性聚焦平衡位置和聚焦束数量.本研究为生物细胞精准惯性操控提供了新思路,有助于推动惯性微流控技术在生物医学等领域中的应用.

Projection micro stereolithography three-dimensional(3D)printing method was proposed in this study to fabricate complex microchannels of combined cross-sections.By using 3D printing and polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS)replication methods,two inertial microfluidic chips of three-step and five-step cross-sections were fabricated,and the dimension precisions of the microchannels were controlled within 20 μm.Using the microfluidic chips,the movements of two fluorescent polystyrene particles with diameters of 10 and 6 μm in the stepped channels were investigated.In addition,numerical simulations were applied to demonstrate the inertial focusing mechanisms of particles in the channels.It was found that 10-μm particles had three equilibrium positions in the three-step channel,which located at the inner walls of the three steps,respectively,and most particles focused at the inner step.The 6-μm particles also had three equilibrium positions in the three-step channel.However,the particles migrated to the middle and the outer steps under high flow rates.In the five-step channel,when the flow rate was increased gradually,10-μm particles had a single and two equilibrium positions,respectively,and the particles migrated towards the inner channel wall under high flow rates.In comparison to 10-μm particles,6-μm particles had two stable equilibrium positions in the five-step channel at all flow rate range.It could be concluded that the quantity,shape and strength of the secondary flow vortex could be altered by changing structure of the combined cross-section,thus the equilibrium positions and quantities of the focusing particles could be also regulated.The research outcome might provide new insights for precise cell inertial manipulation and promote the application and development of inertial microfluidic technology in biomedical and other fields.


苏州大学附属第三医院妇产科,常州 213000河海大学机电工程学院,常州 213022||东南大学机械工程学院,江苏省微纳生物医疗器械设计与制造重点实验室,南京 211189河海大学机电工程学院,常州 213022


MicrofluidicsThree-dimensional printingComplex cross-sectionInertial focusingSecondary flow regulation

《分析化学》 2024 (001)


93-101 / 9

国家自然科学基金项目(No.51905150)、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(No.B220202024)、常州市卫健委青年人才科技项目(No.QN202115)和常州市科技计划项目(No.CE20225046)资助. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51905150),the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.B220202024),the Changzhou Health Commission Youth Science and Technology Project(No.QN202115),and the Changzhou Science and Technology Bureau Program(No.CE20225046).

