

Genome-wide Identification and Expression Profile Analysis of DUF1771 Gene Family in Rice(Oryza sativa)


未知功能结构域1771(domain of unknown function 1771,DUF1771)基因家族是植物中一个功能未被鉴定的家族.本研究通过生物信息学技术在水稻(Oryza sativa)中鉴定了5个DUF1771家族成员,与拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)中鉴定到的4个DUF1771家族成员进行系统进化树分析,9个DUF1771家族成员可分为2个亚族,保守基序分析发现motif 1和motif 2在所有的DUF1771家族成员中存在.5个OsDUF1771基因家族成员的启动子中与各类胁迫响应和激素响应相关的顺式作用元件整体相对较少,以OsDUF1771-1为最少.实时荧光定量PCR分析显示,OsDUF1771家族成员在各类激素处理前后水稻中的表达水平变化幅度整体上不大.在低温、干旱和稻瘟菌(Magnaporthe oryzae)处理水稻时,OsDUF1771-1,2,3,5虽然有一些响应变化,但变化幅度亦不大,OsDUF1771-4对低温处理具有相对最大的响应,在处理12h的表达水平是未处理样品的4.54倍.在4个OsDUF1771家族成员的启动子中均发现了种子储存蛋白代谢调控相关元件O2-site,仅OsDUF1771-1的启动子中未发现此元件,这与各成员的组织表达谱检测结果相吻合,OsDUF1771-2,3,4,5均在穗中具有最高的表达水平,而OsDUF1771-1在叶中具有最高的表达水平,且OsDUF1771-1编码蛋白预测定位于叶绿体.此外OsDUF1771-3的启动子中还含有胚乳特异表达元件GCN4-motif,进一步说明OsDUF1771-3在水稻种子的胚乳储存蛋白代谢中发挥功能,本研究为深入解析OsDUF1771家族成员的生物学功能提供了重要线索.

The domain of unknown function 1771(DUF1771)gene family in plants has not been described previously.This research identified 5 members of DUF1771 gene family in Oryza sativa through bioinformatics analysis,then the phylogenetic tree analysis was conducted with these 5 members and 4 members of DUF1771 gene family identified in Arabidopsis thaliana.All 9 members were divided into 2 subfamilies.Conserved motif analysis revealed that motif 1 and motif 2 were present in all DUF1771 members.The promoters of all 5 OsDUF1771 gene family members had relatively few cis-acting elements related to various stress responses and hormone responses,and OsDUF1771-1 had the least.Real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR analysis displayed that the expression levels of OsDUF1771 family members in rice before and after various plant hormone treatments showed little variation overall.When rice was treated with low temperature,drought,and Magnaporthe oryzae,the expression levels of OsDUF1771-1,2,3,5 showed some changes,but the changing ranges were small.OsDUF1771-4 had the largest expression change to low temperature treatment,and the expression level was 4.54 times that of the untreated sample at 12 h of treatment.The O2-site element related to seed storage protein metabolism regulation was found in the promoters of 4 OsDUF1771 family members,but not in the promoters of OsDUF1771-1,which was consistent with the tissue expression profile detection results.OsDUF1771-2,3,4,5 all had the highest expression levels in the panicles,while OsDUF1771-1 had the highest expression levels in the leave,and the encoded protein of OsDUF1771-1 was predicted to be located in the chloroplast.In addition,the promoter of OsDUF1771-3 contained the endosperm expression element GCN4-motif,further indicated that OsDUF1771-3 played a role in the metabolism of endosperm storage proteins in rice seeds.This study provides important clues for in-depth analysis of the biological functions of OsDUF1771 family members.


湖南农业大学农学院,长沙 410128||水稻油菜抗病育种湖南省重点实验室,长沙 410128湖南农业大学农学院,长沙 410128||国家耐盐碱水稻技术创新中心/湖南杂交水稻研究中心,长沙 410125||水稻油菜抗病育种湖南省重点实验室,长沙 410128



RiceDomain of unknown function 1771(DUF1771)gene familyPhylogenetic analysisExpression profile analysis

《农业生物技术学报》 2024 (003)

493-504 / 12


