

Gene Cloning and Expression Analysis of LoSorNINJAs in Oriental Lily(Lilium hybrid divisionⅦ)'Sorbonne'


茉莉酸(jasmonic acid,JA)是一种重要的植物内源激素,在植物生长发育和防御响应中发挥重要作用.NINJA(novel interactor of JAZ)蛋白是JA信号转导途径的抑制子.本研究基于转录组数据,从东方百合'索邦'(Lilium hybrid divisionⅦcv.'Sorbonne')中鉴定到2个NINJAs基因,分别命名为LoSorNINJA1(GenBank No.OQ715340)和 LoSorNINJA2(GenBank No.OQ715341).生物信息学分析表明,LoSorNINJA1和LoSorNINJA2蛋白均含有保守的EAR基序和Jas结构域,符合NINJA基因家族的特征.系统进化分析表明,LoSorNINJAs与深圳拟兰(Apostasia shenzhenica)、桃红蝴蝶兰(Phalaenopsis equestris)和铁皮石斛(Dendrobium catenatum)的NINJA亲缘关系最近.烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)亚细胞定位结果表明,LoSorNINJA1和LoSorNINJA2均定位于细胞核.对于不同组织进行的基因表达分析表明,LoSorNINJA2在外花被及花药中表达量较高,LoSorNINJA1在上部叶中表达量较高.收集低温贮藏及温室定植后的'索邦'鳞茎茎尖进行qRT-PCR分析,LoSorNINJA1在冷藏2和6周有2个表达量高峰,LoSorNINJA2在冷藏6周有1个表达量高峰.利用GENIE3构建的潜在基因调控网络表明,LoSorNINJA1可能参与组织发育和胚胎后发育等过程,LoSorNINJA2可能参与对外界环境的响应.上述结果提示,LoSorNINJA1与LoSorNINJA2可能发生了功能分化,发挥功能的部位和发育时期也可能不同.本研究结果为深入解析NINJAs在百合休眠解除中的功能提供了基础资料.

Jasmonic acid(JA)is an important plant endogenous hormone,which plays an important role in plant growth,development and defense response.NINJA(novel interactor of JAZ)protein is an inhibitor of the JA signal transduction pathway,involved in the regulation of plant growth,development,and stress response.In this study,2 different NINJAs were identified from Oriental lily'Sorbonne'(Lilium hybrid divisionⅦ cv.'Sorbonne')based on transcriptome data,and named LoSorNINJA1(GenBank No.OQ715340)and LoSorNINJA2(GenBank No.OQ715341),respectively.Bioinformatics analysis showed that both LoSorNINJA1 and LoSorNINJA2 contained conserved EAR motif and Jas domain,which conformed to the characteristics of the NINJA gene family.Phylogenetic analysis indicated that LoSorNINJAs had the closest genetic relationship with the NINJA of Apostasia shenzhenica,Phalaenopsis equestris and Dendrobium catenatum.The results of subcellular localization in tobacco(Nicotiana tabacum)showed that both LoSorNINJA1 and LoSorNINJA2 were located in the nucleus.Expression analysis in different tissues of'Sorbonne'showed that LoSorNINJA2 was highly expressed in the outer petals and anthers,and LoSorNINJA1 was highly expressed in the upper leaves.The shoot apical of'Sorbonne'lily bulbs after low-temperature storage and greenhouse transplant were collected and analyzed by qRT-PCR.LoSorNINJA1 had 2 peaks of expression at 2 and 6 w cold storage,while LoSorNINJA2 had only 1 peak of expression at 6 w cold storage.Using GENIE3 to construct a potential gene regulatory network indicated that LoSorNINJA1 might be involved in tissue development and post-embryonic development,and LoSorNINJA2 might be involved in the response to the external environment.The above results suggest that LoSorNINJA1 and LoSorNINJA2 might have undergone functional differentiation,and their functional sites and developmental stages might also be different.The present study provides basic data for in-depth analysis of the function of NINJAs in lily dormancy release.


北京林业大学园林学院/花卉种质创新与分子育种北京市重点实验室/国家花卉工程技术研究中心/城乡生态环境北京实验室/教育部林木花卉育种实验室,北京 100083国家植物园(北园),北京 100093


东方百合'索邦'NINJA(novel interactor of JAZ)基因家族茉莉酸(JA)低温响应百合鳞茎

Oriental lily'Sorbonne'Novel interactor of JAZ(NINJA)gene familyJasmonic acid(JA)Cold responseLily bulbs

《农业生物技术学报》 2024 (003)


518-532 / 15


