

Cloning and Expression Analysis of the GeCYP85A1 Gene in Gelsemium elegans


钩吻(Gelsemium elegans)是我国一种极具价值的传统中药材,全株剧毒,但具有抗肿瘤、镇痛等作用,还对猪等禽畜有增肥之效,其主要的活性成分为萜类吲哚生物碱(terpenoid indole alkaloids,TIAs),其中最有代表性的成分为钩吻素己,其毒性最强、活性最高.本研究根据钩吻基因组和转录组数据,筛选出细胞色素P450(cytochrome P450,CYP450)相关的209条基因序列,结合代谢组数据,通过"基因组+转录组+代谢组"共表达分析方法,筛选出与钩吻素己生物合成途径相关的重要候选基因GeCYP85A1(GenBank No.OQ653843),通过PCR技术对该基因进行克隆,并对其进行生物信息学分析,利用qPCR技术分析了GeCYP85A1在钩吻不同组织的表达模式.结果显示,GeCYP85A1基因全长1 392 bp,编码463个氨基酸,其理论相对分子质量为53.390 06 kD,理论等电点为9.07;亚细胞定位于叶绿体,有一段跨膜区,无信号肽,为非分泌性蛋白;含有16个糖基化位点和37个磷酸化位点,为亲水性蛋白质;与阿拉比卡咖啡(Coffea arabica)、欧基尼奥伊德斯种咖啡(Coffea eugenioides)、黄色猴面花(Erythranthe guttata)、烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)、木樨榄(Olea europaea subsp.europaea)、松蒿(Phtheirospermum juttata)、丹参(Salvia miltiorrhiza)、芝麻(Sesamum indicum)和河岸葡萄(Vitis riparia)九个物种的同源CYP85A1氨基酸序列相似度高,属于CYP450家族的一类亚族.通过qPCR技术,检测发现该基因在不同部位的表达模式与钩吻素己在不同部位的相对含量趋势一致,均为根>花>茎>叶.本研究为进一步阐明钩吻TIAs类生物碱的生物合成途径提供了一定的参考依据.

Gelsemium elegans is a valuable traditional Chinese herb in China.The whole plant is highly toxic,but has anti-tumour and analgesic effects,as well as fattening effects on pigs and other livestock,and its main active constituents are terpenoid indole alkaloids(TIAs).Among them,the most representative ingredient is gelsenicine,which has the strongest toxicity and highest activity.In this study,209 genes related to cytochrome P450(CYP450)were screened based on the genomic and transcriptomic data of G.elegans,combined with metabolomic data,an important candidate gene GeCYP85A1(GenBank No.OQ653843)related to the biosynthesis pathway of Oryza japonica was screened by"genome+expression profile+metabolome".The full-length cloning of this gene was performed by PCR,and its bioinformatics analysis was carried out.The expression pattern of the GeCYP85A1 gene in different tissues of G.elegans was analysed by qPCR.The results showed that the GeCYP85A1 gene was 1 392 bp long,encoding 463 amino acids,with a theoretical relative molecular mass of 53.390 06 kD and a theoretical isoelectric point of 9.07.It was a non-secretory protein with a subcellular localization in chloroplasts,a transmembrane region and no signal peptide.It was similar to Coffea arabica,Coffea eugenioides,Erythranthe guttata,Nicotiana tabacum,Olea europaea subsp.europaea,Phtheirospermum juttata,Salvia miltiorrhiza,Sesamum indicum,and Vitis riparia,and the amino acid sequences of the related CYP85A1 of the above 9 species were highly similar and belonged to a subfamily of the CYP450 family.By qPCR,the expression pattern of GeCYP85A1 in different parts of the plant was found to be consistent with the trend of the relative content of gelsenicine in different parts of the plant,which were root>flower>stem>leaf.This study provides a reference for further elucidation of the biosynthetic pathway for the TIAs-like alkaloids in G.elegans.


湖南农业大学园艺学院/国家植物功能成分利用工程技术研究中心,长沙 410128广西壮族自治区药用植物园,南宁 510023湖南农业大学动物医学院,长沙 410128



Gelsemium elegansGeCYP85A1Bioinformatics analysisExpression analysis

《农业生物技术学报》 2024 (003)

533-545 / 13


