

Studies on growth,metabolomics and intestinal microbes of offspring from the three parental standards of Eriocheir sinensis


中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)繁育亲蟹规格及其子代的生产性能是产业上的热点问题.本研究应用个体生长测定法和代谢组学技术,研究了当前生产上3种主要育苗亲蟹规格(母本200~250 g,父本300~350 g;母本250~300 g,父本350~400 g;母本300 g以上,父本400 g以上)繁殖子代(规格A、规格B和规格C)的蜕壳与生长特性、肠道微生物菌群和肝胰腺代谢物的组成差异.结果发现:在2次个体蜕壳与生长测定中,规格C的生长性能优于其他2种规格,但3种规格子代相互间的蜕壳增重率、蜕壳间隔、肥满度、肝胰腺指数和肌肉指数均不存在显著差异.肠道菌群结果表明:α多样性指数均显示规格A低于其他2种规格,但3种规格相互间无显著差异,而主坐标分析(PCoA)显示3种规格肠道菌群在属水平上存在显著差异.肝胰腺的代谢组学分析显示,规格A与B间共有100种差异代谢物,规格B与C间共有77种差异代谢物,规格A与C间共有79种差异代谢物.对差异肠道菌群和差异代谢物进行Pearson相关性分析发现:规格A的代谢物生物喋呤与副梭菌属呈显著正相关;规格B的代谢物N-乙酰-D-甘露糖胺分别与硝基螺菌门、硝化螺菌属呈显著负相关;规格C的代谢物四氢二吡啶甲酸盐与乳酸菌属呈显著负相关.研究结果初步表明:不同亲蟹规格子代在生长性能、肠道微生物菌群和肝胰腺代谢物组成方面表现出一定差异.

The parental sizes of Chinese mitten crab(Eriocheir sinensis)and the growth performance of its offspring have become interestingly main topics in aquaculture industry in recent years.In this study,we applied individual growth comparison and metabolomics techniques to investigate molting and growth characteristics,intestinal microbes and hepatopancreas metabolites compositions in offspring(Size A,Size B and Size C)of the three parental standards of Chinese mitten crab(200-250 g for females and 300-350 g for males;250-300 g for females and 350-400 g for males;>300 g for females and>400 g for males).The results showed that the growth performance in the offspring of size C was better than the other two sizes in the two individual molting and growth measurements,but there were no significant differences in the molting weight gain rate,molting interval,fatness,hepatopancreas index and muscle index among the three parental sizes of offspring.The results of intestinal microbes analysis showed that α diversity index of the size A was lower than the other two sizes,but there was no significant differences among them,while the PCoA analysis showed significant differences of intestinal microbes composition among the three sizes at the genus level.Metabolomics analysis of hepatopanacas found a total of 100 different metabolites between the sizes A and B,77 different metabolites between the sizes B and C,and 79 different metabolites between the sizes A and C.Pearson correlation analysis between different intestinal microbes and metabolites revealed that the metabolite Biopterin was significantly positively correlated with Genus Paraclostridium in the size A;the the metabolite N-acetyl-d-mannosamine was significantly negatively correlated with Phylum Nitrospira and Genus Nitrospira in the size B;the metabolite tetrahydrodipyridinate carboxylate was negatively correlated with Genus Lactobacillus in the size C.The current results of this study indicated some differences have been detected in molting and growth,intestinal microbes and hepatopancreas metabolites composition among the offspring of different parental sizes in Chinese mitten crab.


上海海洋大学农业农村部淡水水产种质资源重点实验室,上海 201306||上海海洋大学水产科学国家级实验教学示范中心,上海 201306||上海海洋大学上海水产养殖工程技术研究中心,上海 201306



Eriocheir sinensisparent sizemolting and growthintestinal microbesmetabonomics

《上海海洋大学学报》 2024 (001)

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