

Research progress on urban drainage system resilience evaluation



[Objective]The performance level of the urban drainage system can be understood through resilience evaluation,which also provides a foundation and justification for system optimization to better utilize the drainage capacity of existing facili-ties.[Methods]Based on the concept,development and application of urban drainage system resilience,the research status of urban drainage system resilience evaluation is systematically summarized from the four perspectives of evaluation scenarios,evalu-ation indexes,evaluation objects and evaluation method,and the deficiencies and future research directions of the current urban drainage system resilience evaluation are proposed.[Results]Urban drainage systems have to cope not only with normal rainfall conditions,but also adapt to extreme weather conditions and unforeseen future disturbances.Studies have shown that in addition to external loads from climate change,extreme rainfall leading to hydraulic overloads,complex urban drainage networks face in-creasing challenges such as potential structural failures due to short-term episodic events(pipe collapses,blockages)or longterm chronic stresses(pipe deterioration),which may increase the risk of infrastructure paralysis,property damage and potential loss of life.[Conclusion]The current urban drainage system resilience evaluation focuses more on the function and the system itself,whereas with climate change and multiple uncertain threats in the future,a more comprehensive and integrated evaluation of the resilience of the urban drainage system is needed,and future research will be considered in terms of constructing complete scenarios,selecting multidimensional evaluation indicators,and synergistic integration of multiple systems.


中国消防救援学院,北京 102202中国水利水电科学研究院,北京 100038||水利部水资源与水生态工程技术研究中心,北京 100044中国水利水电科学研究院,北京 100038福建森林消防救援总队三明支队,福建三明 353000



extreme conditionsurban drainage systemresilienceresilience assessmentprecipitationresilient citiesuncer-taintyclimate change

《水利水电技术(中英文)》 2024 (001)

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