

Study on urban waterlogging control modes adapted to cities of different nature condition types in China



[Objective]To strengthen the pertinence of urban waterlogging control measures of cities with different natural condi-tions like regional climate characteristics,topography and hydrology,[Methods]cities are divided into four types:northern arid cities,plain river network cities,mountainous cities,and coastal/riverside cities.Four cities,Yinchuan,Suzhou,Yichang and Shenzhen,as well as,are selected as cases for research on urban waterlogging control modes.Based on the waterlogging occur-rences,risk assessments and governance actions in recent years,the main causes,control measures and effects,existing prob-lems of these cities are summarized.Referring to"source reduction,pipeline discharge,combined storage and discharge,and emergency response for exceeding standards",the content of the urban drainage and flood control engineering system are further refined and extended,and differentiated waterlogging control modes for each type of cities are discussed and proposed.[Results]Due to the difference causes,cities should have different focuses in aspects of sewage network construction,protection of blue-green spaces,overall planning of flood and waterlogging control,emergency dispatching,and other work based on their distinct conditions.In northern cities with low rainfall,efforts should be made to supplement the shortcomings of the pipeline system and protect and repair the blue and green spaces.In plain river network cities,efforts should be made to protect the water network pattern,optimizing water system scheduling,and increasing strong drainage capacity.In mountainous and hilly cities,priority should be given to responding to mountain floods and strengthening the construction of drainage channels.In coastal river-side cities adjacent to rivers,it is necessary to coordinate the relationship between floods and tides,explore the construction of flexible spaces,and improve flood prevention emergency and disaster response capabilities.[Conclusion]In response to the in-creasingly frequent extreme rainfalls due to climate change,cities should make up for the shortcomings in governance measures according to their own natural conditions,and continuously improve the spatial resilience of cities.The research result have a cer-tain reference value for optimizing the ideas of waterlogging governance in different places in China,and provide guidances for ef-fectively coping with waterlogging disasters.


中规院(北京)规划设计有限公司,北京 100044



urban waterloggingwaterlogging controlflood prevention and drainageclimate changeprecipitationurban flood control resilienceflood prevention emergency responseextreme rainfall

《水利水电技术(中英文)》 2024 (001)

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